R-15 Alert. Proceed if you're okay with it.


During her time away from Japan, Mai frequently sent me messages.

After I finished my bath, I tried out the sample I got from the cosmetic lady. As I thought, good stuff sure is different from my usual simple ones...

After that, I picked my phone and opened the usual messenger app.

There's a lot of pictures from her when she's in a theater or posing in front of a café. I feel like seeing an exclusive photoshoot for a magazine.

[Are you captivated by me now?]

Seeing that line with her usual overconfidence, I breathed out a sigh.

[Yeah yeah, please do your best for your job.]

She suddenly called me. It surprised me a bit but I still put my phone on my ear.

"What's wrong? You were being cold. Are you missing me so much and getting lonely so you were sulking because you wanted my attention? Cute, that's cute, Renako."
"That's complete nonsense!"

Even though it was meant as a menacing move, it didn't work on her because she's laughing. It's our usual bantering.

"Don't worry, I currently have my hair tied up, so I'm your best friend for now."

If you are saying that, I can't treat you coldly. She's so unfair.

"Geez...Ah right, I saw you on television last time. I honestly thought you were cool and awesome."
"I see, it makes me bashful. So, did you fall for me again?"
"We are friends, right!?"

She made it look easy to cross a certain line, so I ended up scolding her.

When I thought she spared her time to call me from France out of affection, the tingling sensation on my lips won't stop. This must be a simple illusion, yeah, because I'm using this toner right now.

"So, how's it going over there? Are you doing well with your job?"
"That's a given, because it's me."

So Ashi-High's super darling also flourished well on the worldwide stage.

"Is what I wanted to say, but it's not like they specifically need me for this job."
"...Why is that?"
"Because they only needed me to take a sit and smile, then speak the words they wanted to hear. Sometimes I would change outfits and do a few poses, that's all."
"I don't really understand but...that's basically what models do, right? Rather than being the 'only one', the value is on the body style, or something like that..."

She took a strange interval to answer my question.

"My only value here is for being my mother's daughter."

When I let out a surprised voice, the weird air from her was gone.

"No, just forget it. I ended up saying something strange. Please forget it."

I pout my lips.

"...As if I can forget it that easily, because right now, we are best friends, right? I can't simply ignore what you said. Because even though you are so far away right now, you sound so lonely."

The words I can't say to Ajisai-san or the boys from our class, I can easily say to her. Why does it become like that, I don't really understand myself.

Fuu, I can hear her laughter from across the phone.

"Aa, I am really in love with you..."

She said it under her breath, I can't say anything for a moment.

"It's not really a big deal. I just wanted to complain for a bit."
"O-okay. But I'm okay with that. Just say anything you want to say, we are not on the rooftop right now, but I will accept everything. Hurry and say what's inside your mind to big sis Renako."

I'll tease her using my newly acquired technique from Ajisai-san.

"Big sis Renako, huh...If I had a big sister like you, I would let you spoil me everyday for sure."
"If I had a little sister like you, I'd feel down everyday because I'd always be compared to you..."
"Then you could just let me spoil you, don't you think?"
"That's simply being codependent with each other..."

She's laughing. It's embarrassing. I should've never said something like big sister.

"For me, an existence like a lover is a very special one."

I wanted to ask why the sudden topic because it's a dangerous one, but I can't do anything other than simply listening to her right now.

"I can't be replaced or act as a replacement, because we treasure each other from the bottom of our hearts. For me, that existence is you."
"Well, but that's-"
"You always questioned why I would choose you. On that day, that time, that place, you were the one who stayed by my side. I think destiny is not simply where we meet a stranger for the first time. For me, meeting you that day was my destiny."

That theory worked because things turned out this way, though.

I should admit, that day when we fell from the rooftop and she saved me, it worked just like a miracle. But what if one day, there comes a moment when Mai realizes, [Turned out that wasn't a destiny]?

Honestly, I really want to treasure Mai as [A precious existence], I always thought that...probably.

"...Then you are saying I can't be replaced by other people?"
"Of course. There's no one in this world who can replace your existence."

I think there are a lot, though...

"...Well, let's forget about me for a bit. As for me, I think of Mai as an irreplaceable existence."
"Is that true?"

She sounds like she will get discouraged if I let the mood stay like this, so I tried to give her my stamp of approval, "That's a given, right?"

The reason is not because she's a crazily gorgeous person, or because she's a super darling, that's not really the case.

"A person who approached me forcefully like you did, there would be no one else other than you after all."

...Right now, I'm getting a bit flustered because I really can't predict when I would end up falling for her. It could be anytime.

Of course I won't say it! I'm content with only falling from the rooftop!

"Thank you. It calmed me for a bit...You really are a kind person."

She whispered to me without her usual power, my heart felt like melting when hearing her plain and honest words through my ear. I see, the distance created between phones is pretty dangerous.

I hurriedly try to change the topic.

"I'm normal, okay? Normal. A-anyway, what time is it right there? What are you doing now?"
"It's afternoon right now. I waited a bit before when it's finally my turn for the photoshoot session. I finished it just now. I spent my time looking through your pictures while waiting, it improved my mood well."
"When were you taking those...It's embarrassing..."
"It's okay, when I said you are my aimée, everyone was praising you and saying you are mignonne."
"It makes me more embarrassed though!? What were you thinking!? Why would you even show it to everyone!?"
"I want to brag that I have a great lover."
"Friend! Friend!"
"How about over there? Did anything happen over there?"
"Just listen to me, won't you..."

I told her about my first time going out with Ajisai-san.

"It seems like she played quite a lot of games, so she will come over tomorrow."

Hehehe, it's nice, right. I boasted to her.

I was getting carried away because I can hog Ajisai-san for myself two days straight. That's why I couldn't really sense the change in her mood.

"Hou. Just the two of you?...I see."

I wanted to say that we always hang out together as a group anyway, so what's wrong with having fun with Ajisai-san, but before I managed to say anything, she let out a cold voice.

"...I see. I never thought that you are that kind of woman."
"Eh. What are you talking about..."
"Even though you have me, you still invited another girl to come into your room...So you were playing with my heart all along."
"Wait!? The relationship between me and Ajisai-san are just friends, though!?"
"So you are an evil woman who will cheat the second you do a long-distance relationship!"
"The misunderstanding is a bit too much, don't you think!?"

Honestly I don't really understand what part she misunderstood!

"Anyway, it's not like we are true lovers, it's up to me with who I want to hang out with, right!?"

Why I'm doing something like this. It makes me sound like her real girlfriend!

"Okay then! Just do whatever! We are only friends after all!"
"I already said that since the beginning, right!? Why would you become so handful out of nowhere!"

I really don't get her!

"And you better speak for yourself! Even though I already said no and rejected your advance, you keep forcing yourself to me! Just taste that feeling when someone is doing something you don't want to!"
"You were allowing me back then!"
"You keep saying stuff that benefits you!"
"Then just do whatever you want! Just remember that I will definitely have a fulfilling date with a beauty over here, do you hear me!?"

Ugh. I can't answer her.

I remember a lot of beauties from that show on the television.

They look so distant, I can't even reach their feet with the current me. The inferiority complex inside me kept piling up and attacked me.

But it seems like Mai was also surprised with her own words more than me.

"...No, I won't...It was a joke, my bad...I almost just casted away my pride as Oozuka Mai..."
"I-I see..."

I sigh a little. But, why? Why was I sighing? Rather than sigh, I feel...relieved?

"That's why you can be honest now. That thing about having Ajisai coming over to your house was also a joke, right?"
"That one is true."
"You are so unbelievable!"
"This again!?"

That day, we closed our call with a mood like we are in the middle of fighting. Since that kiss, Mai is getting weirder each day...

...At this rate, I had a hunch that we would definitely have a nastier fight than this one someday.

Romance is very risky just like I thought, everything has become weirder, mainly Mai. I just want this to end already!


Friday when Mai is absent isn't really boring like the previous days. Everyone is busy with their plans to hang out during the weekend.

"Uwaaaa, booori~ingg!"

But there's one person who still gets tired with the whole situation, a person who likes Mai, Kaho-chan. She hugs her head and wails on her desk.

"Calm down you 16 years old brat. Geez, I still don't understand what's so good about Oozuka Mai."

Hearing Satsuki-san's remark, Kaho-chan hurriedly stands up from her desk.

"Everyone just doesn't get it! When we have that super darling in our class, it acts as a kind of remedy, you know? It means we are super lucky! Of course you end up longing for her presence!

Ajisai-san who sits beside her smiles and has her hands joined behind her body.

"Eeh, I thought that I was lucky though. Right, Rena-chan?"
"Y-yeah. Because of her our uniform has a high value in society."
"That's not it! Hey, Saa-chan!"

Satsuki-san smoothly avoids Kaho-chan's sudden hug.

"Not really. Whether she's here or not, our life will keep going. We still have stuff we need to do everyday. In contrast, it feels relaxing because the impertinent one is gone."
"Even though you look so lonely since you have no one you can argue with~?"
"It hurts! Wa-! Stop hitting me with that book!"

Kaho-chan just stepped on somewhere we shouldn't because it only resulted in Satsuki-san's wraith. Looking at that exchange, Ajisai-san only watches over them with a smile like she's having fun.

When Mai isn't here, the balance gets pretty weird, it feels like hearing music through the earphone where the one side isn't working. But it’s still pretty peaceful.

Meanwhile, without her I simply spend my time without interruption in school and doing things I should do...(I bought juices for Shimizu-kun and Fujimura-kun as a thanks and I apologized once again. They are being really kind.)

...But, wait...Could it be that the main reason my MP diminished so quickly before was because Mai was here, so I got very nervous, and it ended up like that!?

And finally, homeroom has ended. Today is the day when I have a promise with Ajisai-san.

"Well then, let's go home, Rena-chan!"
"Yes, let's go!"

She's the second friend I invited to my house this month after Mai. It's not an exaggeration if I say my high-school debut is a huge success.

From the corner of my mind, a mini Mai looks at me with a pout while saying, "You are so unbelievable!"

I chase her out with my hand. So I’m currently walking home together with Ajisai-san.

I feel really happy during our time together in the train. The conversation flows smoothly but that's because Ajisai-san has strong communication skills, don't misunderstand, Amaori Renako.

We finally arrived at my house and I welcomed her. When I opened the door, there's my little sister inside. Even though she usually comes home late because of her badminton club, why is she here at this time!

But that's okay, I let out a smile while looking at Ajisai-san.

"I'm home. Ah, today my friend is here."

I said it while flicking my hair trying to show off. Just like what I predicted, she looked surprised and mumbled, "Uwa, a total beauty has appeared," in a low voice.

"Nice to meet you, Rena-chan's little sister? Thank you for the compliment."

Ajisai-san smiled brightly, I think my little sister was already taken by her charm. She's my friend, alright? Mine.

"Aa, yes. I'm sorry, I suddenly became rude earlier. Umm, please take care of my big sister, even though she has no redeeming value, a completely normal and ordinary big sister."

Huh. My little sister just naturally said something so unnecessary during her greeting. What am I expecting from a muscle-headed bright character.

"Well then, we will play in my room, so don't bother us, okay?" (Flicking hair)
"Ah, Ajisai-san, can we exchange contact info later?"
"Don't bother us later!"

Damn. My little sister is really tough at times like these!

My little sister finally left while I glared at her back. Ajisai-san the angel is looking at us with a smile.

"As expected from Rena-chan's little sister, she's different from the runts from my house. A total beauty, huh. Ehehe."
"Because she probably has the same preference as me...oh wait, no, please forget that!"

I tried to shift her attention by leading her to my room.

"Well then, what should we play first."
"Waa, amazing. There's a lot. It's on a different level from our house."
"I-is it? This much is normal, right?"

Well, because during my truancy in middle-school I had nothing to do other than gaming. 

Aah, when I'm looking to my side, Ajisai-san is there, sitting in my room. So this is happiness...

Wait, no! This is not the time to get carried away and enjoy my rapid heart beating. What if she said, [Why are you keep looking at me? Annoying...]

Ajisai-san would never say something like that though!

"Ah, then let's play this one. I took an interest the last time I saw it."

What she picked was not the one we saw on the advertisement board before, but the one I played with Mai last time...

Mai started wailing inside my head and Ajisai-san smiled beautifully in front of me.

Un...un! You see, that time she ended up beating me with another game! Besides, we could play it again later!

"Let's do it then!"

Just like when Mai was here, we sat right beside each other facing the screen.

"I will say this beforehand, but I'm not really good in this game, so I'm sorry if I become a burden."
"It's okay, it's okay. Just leave it to me! I won't let them touch you, not even the tip of your fingers! I'll obliterate them before they can manage to get on screen!"
"That's, I won't do anything then?"

Crap, I let my emotions run wild.

"T-then I'll make sure to leave them good enough for one hit."
"Geez, just do this normally."

Ajisai-san hit my shoulder lightly while laughing. Hiee, body touch...she smells good.

"T-that's right. When playing games with a friend, it's best to do it normally. Normal."

But, what is normal? I never played together with anyone other than Mai!

Just by holding the controller, I got very nervous. I sweated profusely. With a stiff movement I started the game.

But since playing games is something like a natural activity for me, once I start I naturally grasp the thing and do it just like usual. Let's do this without any mistakes, not even a minor one...

"Aah, how embarrassing...I let out a real scream..."

She flapped her hands while laughing to gloss over her blushes.

No. It’s impossible to be composed in this situation...She's so cute I ended up staring at her from the side...

When I played with Mai, she always said something like, [I sense a presence of something, they might come out after this...Okay. You can take a cover over here, I will take a look.] It makes us look like we're playing a ranger show.

Not good, not good. Why would I think of another woman when I'm together with Ajisai-san!

"Rena-chan, you can handle this well, huh. Do you remember the spots where the enemies appeared?"
"No, of course not. It's a fluke, a fluke!"

I just played this the other day though...

"You are so cool, Rena-chan."
"Eh? Aah, the character I used? Yup, they’re amazing!"

That was dangerous. I almost misunderstood.

"That's not it, I really thought it's cool that you’re good with games. It's amazing."

Hm? Is being good at gaming cool...? I can't really understand Ajisai-san's sense of value.

"I-if you are glad with it, want to come over to my house next time?"
"Eh, I'll definitely go."
"Really? I'm happy."

If by being good at games make her interested in me, I'm really glad I became a shut-in and drowned myself in games.

"If a big sis who's good at playing games is coming, I'm sure my little brothers would be happy. You will totally become popular with my little guys!"

Ah. So that's what she meant...But I could see Ajisai-san in her big sis mood, I'm good with that...So her brothers like people who're good at playing games, I see...

"Umm, this is just for reference, but what kind of people do you like, Ajisai-san?"
"Eeh? Do I look like I have unreasonable standards for a partner?"
"No, that's not what I meant...it just interests me a bit."

Since we reached the checkpoint, we took a short break so I put down my controller. Just like Ajisai-san, I also stared toward the empty space above us.

"To be honest, I don't really have someone like that. I'm okay with anyone as long as I had fun, but that's pretty general, right? Ah, but I think I prefer someone who's calming, I think? I'm not really good with someone too dominant, I guess."
"I see so, someone scary like Oozuka-san is not good."
"Mai-chan is kind, you know. Everyone in our group is kind after all"
"An overwhelming big sister's look...!"

To call people like Mai and Satsuki-san good girls...As I thought, she must be an angel with a duty to oversee humanity.

"Why so sudden? Do you have someone you're interested in?"
"Eh? Eeeh? N-nope, I don't have any."
"Based on Ajisai's personal experience, someone who asked is either liking the one they asked, or they have someone they like."

She folded her arms and said something detective-like.

"Going by your theory, that implied that I like you..."
"Ah you're right...Eh, is that the case?"

Ajisai-san pushed her hands on her mouth with a blush.

"N-no, of course that's not the case!?"
"Aah, so that's it. Eeh, I was surprised. Ehehe, I thought I was getting confessed by a female friend for the first time."
"That's not true, okay!? I was...anyway, that's not true!"

I stand up and strongly reject the idea. But if I'm being this desperate it would turn into the opposite...

Ajisai-san looked at me from below with an upturned eyes, "Eeh? That's too bad."

"P-please just spare me..."

I took a seat again, hiee, my face is burning. Somehow Ajisai-san looks so happy though.

"Could it be that you had fun messing with me?"
"Ah, busted?"

I only intended to jokingly press her body but I ended up pushing her down on the floor.

With her hair disarranged, she looks at me from below because her body is laying on the floor in my room. Somehow this feels improper.

Uu, it's like she's in a fallen angel mode where she's tempting others...It's like she's living between light and darkness! But if my life is getting swung away by Ajisai-san, it doesn't sound too bad...

Ah! Because of Mai I became a woman who thinks about stuff like this toward her friends!

Don't do this! She really changed me!

"Uuu, I'm sorry, Ajisai-san."
"It's okay, I don't mind, I'll forgive you. I don't really understand why you would apologize though."

She made an okay sign with her fingers, it makes me want to hug her right now, but I'm sure my current self is filled with impure thoughts so I will contain myself.

And that's when my house's bell rang.

I already turned my body toward the door, but then I remembered my little sister was downstairs, so I turned my body again toward Ajisai-san.

"Is it alright?"
"It's not a problem, my little sister is here after all."

Ajisai-san fixed her hair, she's really adorable. When I'm enjoying the warm sensation from observing Ajisai-san, there are loud steps coming to my room.

"W-wait, what is it?"

Bam. The sound of the door opening loudly. Due to the loud noise, I reflectively turned my body and there I found my little sister with an appalled expression on my door.

"Big sis..."
"W-what is it?"
"Somehow, someone who looks like a Hollywood actress is here."

I furrowed my eyebrow.

It's Mai.


It really is Mai.

"Hey there, darling."

I already had a bad feeling so I asked Ajisai-san to stay in my room. I let my little sister accompany her for now. It bugs me to leave the two of them like that, but in this situation I don't have the leisure to think about that.

Mai is standing with a smile on the entrance.

She's wearing clothes that emphasize her curve with that pair of suits, and high-heels. She also had sunglasses dangling on her forehead, just like a Hollywood celebrity.

On top of that, she brought a bouquet of flowers in her hands. It's red roses. Dear Lord, it suits her so much...

"Well, my job ended early. At first I wanted to do some sightseeing before going home, but I canceled the whole plan."
"And why is that!?"
"Fufu, do you really want to make me say it? Obviously because I wanted to see you."
"And you let your hair down..."

Mai raised her hands and got closer like she wanted to hug me, but I stopped her. Wait, wait. I don't have any other choices because this entrance is my last defense line.

"Wa-wait, wait. You can't do that. I already told you, right? Ajisai-san is here right now."
"Then it's good timing, right? Let's play together then."
"For real...?"

She handed over the flowers to the driver who came out from the limousine. We sure have a huge difference of value over these kinds of things...

She already came here, so I couldn't just make her go home. I ended up letting her in. When we went inside my room, Ajisai-san was very surprised to see Mai.

"Eh, Mai-chan!?"
"Hey, Ajisai. I finished my work so I decided to stop by."

Seeing my stiffened little sister on the corner of my room, Mai also smiled at her.

"So you are Renako's little sister. Nice to meet you, my name is Oozuka Mai."
"Little sister...? Eh, who? Queen Elizabeth...?"
(TL Note: In here, Mai is using 御 (-go) after saying little sister which is the polite form to refer someone's little sister. It's rarely used so the lil sis is taken aback.)

With an expression like she's getting charmed by a fox, she let Mai shake her hand. But after that, like not believing what just happened, she absentmindedly looked at her hand. 

"Hey...don't seduce people's little sister so naturally like that."
"You also saw it, right? I only did a simple greeting."
"Ahaha, maybe the impact is too strong...But I think I understand, I also was very surprised when I first met Mai-chan. She has a really small face, I thought she had no skull."

We had a normal conversation just like usual when finally my sister snapped out of her daze.

"Y-you are my big sis' friend!?"
"Aah, she always treats me well. Thank you."
"Eeeeeh....? Eeeeehhhhhhh~~~~~...?"

It's the second time she lets out a terrible face.

Oi, don't look around relentlessly like that. This is not a prank so you won't find any camera. Besides, this Mai over here confessed to me last time, so I'm the one who's doubting everything more than anyone else, you know?

I wonder what I should do in this odd situation.

My sister seems like she doesn't have any intention to leave. Currently, to my right, there's this angelic beauty Ajisai-san while to my left there's a gorgeous super darling Mai.

Getting squeezed by these two, I started to hear imaginary things.

From Ajisai-san on my right I heard [Even though we are in the middle of our date, why Mai-chan is here?] and getting annoyed.

Meanwhile Mai said [I should do something to punish this cheater] with a super cold voice.

Why am I feeling like a two-timer evil!? We are all friends here, right!?

I hug my own head inside my imagination. I decided to escape from this tricky situation by talking with my little sister.

"Well then, want to join us play, lil sis!? Let's do it together!"
"Eh!? I'll do it!"

It's my first time hearing her voice being this lively.

And with that, the four of us ended up playing together.

With a lot of witnesses, even Mai won't dare to do anything strange...Is she a werewolf or what?

We changed to a game that can be played by a lot of people. We picked Sm**h Br*s and I mindlessly play the game...Ah this is so fun...Anyway, Mai is too strong, isn't she? Even though this is her first time...Eh, what's with this girl, I'll definitely beat her!

We were being too caught up with the game so when Ajisai-san checked her phone, she was surprised because it's already late. 

"I'm sorry, I should go home now since I should pick up my brother from her practice. I'll go ahead. Please enjoy your time."

Ajisai-san gestured her apology while standing up. I also want to stand up when my little sister beat me to it.

"Well then, let me take you to the station."

While saying that, my little sister was desperately grabbing my wrist. Her eyes are saying "Don't you dare leave me here alone with Mai-san."

I understand that feeling, but...!

"H-hey, what about you, Oozuka-san? Should I also take you to the station?"

I said it with a smile, hoping that Mai will understand. But she chose to feign ignorance.

"Aa, my bad. I already asked them to pick me up later, maybe in around one hour and half. I hope you don't mind."


While I'm still looking for an answer, my sister already saluted to Mai, "It's okay, please take your time here! Ah, well, I'll take Ajisai-senpai to the station then!"


"Let's go, Ajisai-senpai!"
"Eh? Is it really okay, little sister?"
"Of course. I want to talk with you more..."
"Ahaha, I'm happy to hear that. I'll gladly spoil you then. Well, Rena-chan, thank you for today, I had fun. Mai-chan too, see you at school."

She took Ajisai-san away...My...my Ajisai-san is...

On her way out, my sister peeked through the door,

"U-umm, Oozuka-senpai, see you later."
"Aa, see you."


The door is closed ruthlessly.

This silence is so painful in my ears...

"Well then, let's continue our game, let's...Alright, Mai, I won't loseー..."

When I stretched my hand to take the controller, she suddenly hugged me from behind.

"That's a weird shrieking noise."
"You are too fast with your hand! This wolf! Werewolf! You'll get hanged someday!"
"Even though I came home quickly for your sake."
"It's for your own sake, right!?"

Her hands got stiff for a moment.

"...That's true. It's just like what you said. I said that I'm doing this for your sake, but in the end it's for my own interest. You are able to see through this shallowness of mine."

I could feel her breathe right behind my ear. She took a breath and I tried my best to not let out any sound.

"Even though we have come this far, I can't help but want to look good in front of you, huh."

Mai placed her hand on my cheek and pulled my face to the rear-side. Just like a passing rain, she showered me with kisses.

For a moment, I feel like she took my heart and my body was filled with her warmth.

But then, I pushed her body away.

"W-wait, stop it."

I placed my hand on my mouth and glared at her.

My parents have yet to come home, and my sister is still on her way with Ajisai-san to the station, she won't be back for a while. Right now, I'm alone with Mai in this house.

Just like a character from a drama, she put her hand on her chest and faced down.

"Right now, I'm burned with jealousy. I never thought I'd feel this way toward Ajisai. It's just like you said, being in love with someone doesn't only consist of beautiful things...
"Jealousy...W-why would you...for someone like me..."
"But still, you are the one I have feelings for after all."

She grabbed my wrist. She looked at me like she's clinging onto me, it threw my head into a disarray.

"I really don't understand you, not even a bit...There's a lot of people better than me out there. Like, Ajisai-san."

Mai stretched her hands and then hugged me gently.

"I like you, Renako."
"W-wait...no, stop. Mai, please..."

It's been around three weeks since the first time she hugged me inside this room. Since that day, I’ve always looked at Mai in a different way.

"Gentle and nice, it's Renako's scent."
"I-I said that it's embarrassing..."

It's a completely different sensation than when Ajisai-san held my hand. Mai's touches feel more direct, like she's conveying her feelings. Her affection is pouring into me.

It's these feelings again. The feeling of suffocating, swallowed by muddy ground.

"H-hear me out, Mai...My feelings for you is, as a friend..."
"But right now, we are lovers. We already decided on those rules, right? Also"

Her lips are creeping up toward my ear.

The feeling of something wet, my whole body is reacting.

"Going out with each other, marriage, both are the same. It's when the involved parties are consented with it. That's why this is not something that can be passed on as a joke."
"I-I already said that I don't want this..."

Just like always, she interpreted everything in a way it would benefit her. This girl...

I tried to hit her back, but I didn't have the power to do it, so it was just like I was stroking her back. It's like I'm asking her for more and I slowly laid down my body.

No! I can't!

"I want to make everything of you become mine."
"No one owns me because I am mine...!"

From the ear to the nape, she slowly moved toward my cleavage and put her lips there.

Her hand is floating around the back of my thigh, it made me ticklish, my body reacted to her touch.

"Mai, that's, it feels weird..."
"It's sweet, Renako's body."
"W-why did you lick it!? Why would you do that!?"

Without bothering to answer me, she proceeded to take off the buttons on my shirt.

"Eh, c-changing clothes!? Is it really that weird seeing me wearing uniform inside my own house!? I get it, I will change by myself! It's alright!"

She only left my ribbon and took off my shirt. She flipped my undershirt and, as expected, my underwear was showing.

"W-wait, Mai..."
"I love you."

Far from being calm, her eyes look like night skies filled with stars. Looking at that beauty, I only managed to swallow my breath.

I was pushed down by her on the carpet inside my room, she looked at me from above, her flowing blonde hair was so gorgeous it looked like a shining golden lace.


Even though she supposedly pressed my body in this position, I didn't feel anything at all. It felt like she's as light as a feather, it made me view her as something inhumane.

From below, I looked at her on top of me and couldn't help but think.

What a beautiful girl...

At this rate she will make a mess out of me, I think I can brag about it with others later...Because my partner is that Oozuka Mai.

"I'll take it off."
"No, no, you can't..."

Mai's slender fingers were moving and slipped between my chest.

"I still...haven't...something like this, with Mai..."
"I always wanted to do this."
"I know...You wrote this on that list after all...!"

Right now, that exhibition of lust and desire is taking place on my body.

Wait, it's not the time to say something like this.

Meanwhile, Mai's other hand smoothly entered my skirt. Hiee!

"Why would you...want to touch me...we are both girls..."
"I don't know."

Her eyes are filled with passion, she looked at me using those eyes.

"I just simply want to feel your warmth right now."

She placed her hand on my cheek. The sensation of her hand, I don't hate it.

Touching each other's skin sure felt pleasant. But, if she desired for more than this, I'm sure that we can't stay as friends.

Snap. I tried to push Mai's legs.

"...I don't want this"
"Renako's legs, they feel soft. They have the right amount of meat."
"D-did you just say that I'm fat!? Excuse me for not having a slim body like yours!"
"But because it's yours, it feels lovely."
"You’ve surely easily said 'like' or 'love' since earlier..."
"I'm always serious."

Ah that's right, she proposed to me enthusiastically back then.

She always thinks about these things seriously.

"I really want to have a real relationship with you."

This time she directly said something like that right in front of my face. The damage is huge.

...Mai is a good person.

At this rate, if I just go along with the whole situation, and end up really falling for her, I'm sure I'll change.

Can I change into someone I want to become...?

But if I do that, the only thing that would change is my standing. In the end, I won't be able to change myself by my own power.

After going this far, I decided to reject her and shake my head.

"...I'm sorry, I still, haven't..."

It’s almost the end of June, we have one week until our match ends. I want to properly think about this and decide it by myself. I'm sure that Mai will understand.

Because she's my best friend.

"Hey, Mai...Mai...?"

Hm? Where is she looking at?


Her gaze is fixated on my underwear down there, behind my flipped open skirt.

"Eh, wa-wait, wait!?"

She wholeheartedly leaned her body forward to me.

"This is a joke, right!?"
"I love you!"
"You already saw me naked, right!? Why would you get turned on by mere panties!?"
"What are you saying! If this was a stranger's, I would definitely warn them to be more careful. But the underwear of the one I love is special!"
"I don't understand your words! Not even a bit! Gross! School's super darling, creepy!"

She completely pinned me down while her hand was touching my underwear!

"It's okay, Renako, I'll do this gently...Right, today is our special anniversary...Fufu, I love you, Renako..."

Mai's eyes are looking around relentlessly, she completely can't hear my voice. At this rate she will totally take my chastity. I don't really know how it works for a girl to take another girl's chastity, though!

"W-w-wait, could you stop shoving your head inside my skirt, please!? Also, you can't spread my legs like that, wait what are you doing to take it off so normally like that!?"
"I love you."
"Don't say it at this time! Hyaa! Stop it, you idiot!"

At that time.

The sound of the door opens.

"Mai-san, big sis, I'm home!"

My little sister appeared with a carefree attitude.

Right now, my underwear is down to my knee, I cried a bit while Mai is on top of me. She also slipped her head inside my skirt, and then, my stunned little sister.

We looked at each other.


Bam. She closed the door.

Mai slowly raised her body.

Ehem. She cleared her throat.

"My bad, Renako. I got a bit carried awayー"

I reflectively stretch out my hands.

I let out a parched voice.

I slapped her cheek.

"The worst! Idiot! We were being seen! That's why I told you not to do it! Idiot! Stupid!"
"As I thought, something like being lovers is the worst! Get out!"

Mai pushed her hand on the place where I slapped her earlier. Her gaze is swaying around.

When she got up, she only said one last thing, "Aah, I'm sorry." 

I sent her home in that kind of situation.

"The worst.........."

I'm finally alone. I sit on my bed while hugging my knees. Of course I feel down right now.

"It might have been better if I refused her stronger back then..."

The reason why I couldn't do it, it's not because I was afraid of losing her as a friend.

Whenever I'm together with Ajisai-san, her face is always floating around inside my mind. But the opposite never happened whenever I'm together with Mai.

For a moment, I really thought that I was okay with it and just got along with the flow.

Could it be that I li....no, not that one. Umm, err, well...

"I probably just got worried about her..."

Knock knock, someone is knocking my door.

"Big sis..."

It's my sister. It turned out that I'm still in a dire situation!

What should I say to a little sister who saw her big sister getting attacked, and by another girl on top of that...

For now, I put the blanket over my head and completely hide myself. In the end, the only friend I had was this guy...Blanket-san...I really don't want to see my little sister's face.

She opened the door.

"Your big sister is not here...Please leave your message after the dial tone..."

This useless farce feels like a match where I fought an iron ball thrown with a 160 km/h speed in a match.

"Big sis, you have that kind of relationship with Mai-san?"

Should I just throw up here.

But she already saw everything, to deny it right now would be a bit...

It's the end.

"Let's see...just like what you saw earlier."
"So that's true..."

Why do humans need emotions, I wonder.  Why was I born as a human...When I thought of that.

My little sister breathed out a sense of admiration.

"Amazing...Eh, it's really amazing!"


I flipped my blanket a bit and peeked through the small space. Turned out that she's looking at me with sparkling eyes.

"With that Mai-san...what did you do, big sis!?"

What's with that face, that eyes...

"U-umm...she fell in love with me, somehow..."
"With you!? Why!?"
"I also want to know."

Is this...could it be this is a sense of respect? This is, respect?

That cheeky little sister is respecting me...?

"That's amazing...I always thought you’d end up deceived by a good-for-nothing man and I would get a terrible brother-in-law...But if Mai-san ended up as my sister-in-law, it's a total reversal home run...!"

She talked too much.

No, even though you looked at me with eyes full of expectation...

Big sis and Mai won't get married, you know...?

After dinner, to shake off my little sister's impertinent questions I escaped to the bathroom and took a bath.

Finally I can be alone and take a breather...But my heart hasn't calmed down since earlier. I can't forget the pained look on Mai's face.

I was being too emotional and slapped her back then...

No, but, I think that much is okay. I think. But this pain in my chest when I remember raising my hand on my friend...

...The most unforgettable thing is her face when I slapped her, she looked like a lonely little girl...

Even though she pushed herself to meet me, we ended up parting ways like that. Well, Mai was getting too impertinent back then, and I already asked her to stop before...

Aah, geez. I can't think straight. I'm only someone with super low interpersonal skills after all.

"For now...it's better if I apologize, right...?"

When I got out of the bath, I opened the messaging application.

No, it's better to call...

I shake my head.

"Let's say it...directly..."

I sighed heavily. This and that, everything, the problem keeps showing up because of our lovers' relationship.

Getting jealous and getting jealous of. Losing confidence because you get compared with others. Getting lonely and longing to meet. Getting rejected and not wanting to be hated.

Really. Being lovers is such a handful.


Just by one word, my heart is aching.

"Bad Mai."

Everything is because of her confession from that time. Since then, everything has just become weird.

If we stayed as friends, I'm sure everything would become peaceful.

But I turned into someone who gets nervous around another girl, at the level where it became a hindrance when I hung out with my friends.

I think one flick on her forehead is a cheap price.

"Really, that Mai is..."

Just hurry up and admit it already, is what my heart said. But I shake my head with a firm resolve.

"For now, I do feel bad for slapping her. But, that's it."

That's why, I don't really have anything else I need to say.

There are also good things from being lovers.

It’s possible that I actually hold special feelings for you.

As if I can say it.

"...Haah, really."

I pushed my chest with my hand.

"Mai...I will definitely make you become my friend..."

When I stroke my lips,

I feel like there's still part of Mai's feeling that stuck inside me.


Mini Mai

For more detailed info about the novel, click here

TL and everything else: Meatbun
Proofread: Mai88

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