This is the last chapter of Watanare's first volume.


After that, many things happened.

First, I told Satsuki-san that I managed to patch things up with Mai, and her chastity is safe. She simply replied with, "I see. That's great."

It's a bit hard to understand her real feelings when she answered me with that curt answer, but I'm sure that Satsuki-san is also glad with this result.

"Even though you said those things, actually you really like Mai, right!"

I tried to tease her by saying that with a huge smile, but she hit me with the tip of her book. It seems like it's a bit hard to have her as my opponent for the current me.

As for Kaho-chan, she still misunderstood the relationship between me and Mai. Meanwhile with Ajisai-san, I have yet to visit her house. On top of that, right now there's a cold war between Mai and Satsuki-san.

On the surface, our group looks normal, but actually there are a lot of problems underneath.

But after that, whenever I look at social media, I wonder if the happiness from these people inside the pictures are genuine.

My quarrel with Satsuki-san, the moment I became friends with Ajisai-san, Kaho-chan who misunderstood me, and my fight with Mai.

Looking back, I think I didn’t desperately protect this place for my own sake. At the end, I was able to do a real high-school debut considering everything that happened.

That's what I feel...

And finally, we reached the end of June.

It's the day where we put an end to this match.

After Satsuki-san told me the fact that a lot of people have keys to the rooftop, we decided to talk in another place.

And that is Mai's house.

It's a stupidly huge mansion like a castle. She lived at the top, the penthouse on the 25th floor. It has a special elevator that was connected to the parking lot, and when we reached the floor, we instantly arrived at her house. That kind of thing.

This is funny. But my face is stiff, though.


Did she really make passes on me? That was not a prank, right?

My brain was suddenly filled with Kaho-chan's voice, "Looks! Wealth! Power!"

"What's wrong? The parlor is over here."
"It's my first time seeing a house with a parlor..."

Since it's after school, Mai who went home first already changed to her casual clothes. She wore a soft-looking shirt that looked like it was made of silk, and trousers. Her hair, of course she let them down.

We passed a room without anything inside that was just like a dance floor, and went toward a specific room. When we passed the corridor, there were a lot of paintings and pots that looked expensive...

"Somehow I feel like I would get swallowed by you with this kind of pressure..."
"Hahaha, we will become together forever then."
"An unexpected psychopath!?"

I shrieked when looking at her who stroked her stomach happily.

When we arrived at the parlor, there were two huge sofas with a table in the middle. When I almost sat in Mai's opposite direction, she pulled my arm. And then, she made me sit beside her.

"It's not like we will talk about something serious like a contract. Just sit over here."
"O-okay, I don’t really mind..."

When she's this close I can't calm down. On top of that, she held my hand, and also rested her other hand on my thigh. I'm not a cat, you know.

"Is there no one else here?"
"There are two helpers, but they currently have errands outside. Mama also won't come home for a while. If you are willing to stay, we can spend our night together, just the two of us."
"No, it's okay! I'll leave once we're done here!"
"Huh, that's boorish."

Hii! She kissed my nape!

"S-stop, stop! You can't do this! We need to talk before that!"

I shook her hands off me, and took an appropriate distance. Mai shrugs her shoulders while looking disappointed.

"Well then, let's talk about the main issue. We did a lot of things for this one month."
"Y-yes, you're right."
"We spent time as lovers and best friends on the same degree."
"That one is a lie! After that huge uproar you never tied your hair!"
"And for both of us, there's still a lot of things we haven't shown each other yet."
"Of course there's a lot! The period for best friends was too short! Oi, don't ignore me!"

She's being her usual self. No, it's more like, since she knew that I was being conscious of her, she's getting too cocky.

Even though it was for her sake, for me to say something like that back then...But now, it's too late to regret anything!

"Well then, now."

Mai urged me with her hand.

"Let's hear your answer."

At last, this day has come.

Mai already smiled triumphantly, convinced that it was her win.

Because I already let her touch my body, and I also kissed her back then. So, is there any need for us to keep being friends?

But, I don't want to lie to my own feelings.

I’ll put my trust in Mai.

"As I thought, I still can't, with us being lovers."

Her smile cracked. She looks bewildered.

"What did you say...? You already made me head over heels over you like this and you still said that? Are you femme fatale...?"
"No, listen!"

I stretched out my hands.

"Let me phrase it in a way that won't cause any misunderstandings, and I don't have any intention to play with your feelings either!"
"You forcefully stopped me from looking for a new love..."
"That one is a given! It would be different if you really found someone you love, I would definitely cheer on you! ........Probably."

I said last bit while turning away my gaze from her and made a little pout. Looking at me, Mai let out a sigh.

"And of course you tempted me by showing me that kind of expression..."
"You are the one who saw it as a form of temptation! I'm not guilty!"

Everything is her fault anyway.

"I still have a lot of things I want to do as friends! It turned out like this because you wouldn't tie up your hair!"
"We can do it as lovers!"
"It's impossible!"

I stopped at that point.


When she asked me, I felt my face was boiling.

Because, I'm sure if we became lovers, I would do my best to keep up my appearance in front of her so she wouldn't hate me, and I can't plainly behave as her friend...

Besides, I'm sure I would get jealous if I saw her together with another person. Also, I think I might cry out of loneliness during her time away when she has work.

I realized that there were a lot of changes.

And I'm sure the me, who still needs extra effort to spend my days normally at school, is not ready yet for something like this.

That's why.

"...I want to stay friends with you."

I honestly said my feelings.

She calmly looked at me like she already accepted everything.

"I see."

That voice wasn't filled with emotion.


In response to her nod, I whispered while keeping my face down.

"I really like you...And as a friend, I also think to let you do what you want...And that's why..."

Mai blinked while looking at me.

"That's why...?"
"And that's why, um...what about a relationship, something like, more than best friends but less than lovers?"

I know that I said something unreasonable, but pushed by the momentum, I kept pressing her.

"For now, let's keep our relationship, at least until you find someone you really like! We will keep our relationship between best friends and lovers...Right, Rema friends! How about that!"
"Rema friends."
"The new relationship between Renako and Mai...What do you think..."

This silence is painful.


Mai rubs her chin.

"...That's a bit pushing it, right...?"

That's true.

Because, I still don't have the courage and confidence to step further.

Before, I polished myself for the sake of my high-school debut, I thought, one month was too short for everything. That's why, this kind of massive change, I'm still not capable enough to handle it.

But, I was aware of my own effort during the trouble with Mai last time. I chased after her, and tried hard so we could reconcile.

That's why, if it's possible...

There's a chance that someday, I can go forward, together with Mai.

Deep down, I might think that Mai's [lovers] relationship is a good thing after all.

And it led me to this...

" you think...?"

Someone who is impudent and doesn't know her place, enough to ask a super darling to wait for her, I bet there's no one in this world other than me...

"I never thought a third option other than lovers and best friends would appear right now."
"Y-you did it first, right? Back then, you wanted us to become [strangers] out of nowhere..."

Mai covered her face with her palms.

"...A-are you getting troubled by this? Well then, uhh, okay, as I thought we should justー"

She cut me before I finished my words.

"To be frank, everything went into an unexpected direction, and I wasn't good enough to make you fall in love with me. Also, I troubled you a lot, that's why, this outcome was inevitable."

She suddenly pulled me into a hug.

"Good grief. This is the first time in my life to meet someone as formidable as you. You are an interesting woman."
"Um, hey, we are Rema friends, right? This kind of behavior is."
"You said that as a friend, you think to keep letting me do what I want. Isn't this what society labelled as sex friends?"
"No, our relationship is something we made by ourselves!"

I feel like she will kiss me so I quickly avoid her attack.

"...Fumu, I see."
"Ah, wai- ears are no good!"

After I managed to avoid her lips, she moved her attention to my ear and bit it lightly, I-I'm losing my strength!

"So you do feel guilty because you can't make up your mind. Well then, why don't we have another match?"

She slowly blew air to my ear, it made my body tremble.

"Aa, you will insist on being Rema friends, and I'll also strive to make you become my lover. I still don't have any intention to give up on you anyway. The time limit is, let's see."

While looking at me, she let out a wonderful smile.

"Until our graduation, what do you think?"

I was blinded by that bright smile. I think I can stand her overwhelming pressure better than before, but it's still a long way until I can handle it as her equal.

"I-I get it. Okay, I'll accept that. But still, I'll always think that being friends is more wonderful than lovers."

When I wasn’t still done with my speech, I felt like suddenly floating. Huh, she lifted me up.

Isn’t this what they call princess carry...

"E-eh, Wait!?"

While still lifting me, she walked toward a certain direction.

"W-what is this!? You are being scary!"

If I struggle right now, she might drop me so I was only able to shudder in her arms. After a while, Mai finally put me down on top of a soft spot.

This is... a stupidly huge bed. Bed?

"Eh, w-what's with this canopy bed that looks like it came straight out of a manga!?"
"This is my bedroom. Well then let's start our match right now. Let's begin with improving our intimacy as lovers."
"That's too sudden!"

She stretched out her hand to take off my ribbon.

"I said that the time limit was until graduation, but I'll make sure to end this today."

Her daring smile filled my vision, and in just a short moment, I can feel the softness of her lips on mine. She completely sealed my lips.

It's been a while since our last kiss, it was sweet, and tasted like Mai.

"U, umm..."
"Come to think of it, what are the  limits of the Rema friends relationship?"
"Kiss! Kisses between friends!"

Without showing any mercy, she took off my button one by one. Hey, you!

"I see. Then without any doubt, being lovers is far more better, am I right?"
"It is, for you!"

Before she managed to see my underwear, I hurriedly placed my arms in front of my chest, but she easily got rid of them.

Ah, this is exactly like what happened before! I will be swept away by her pace!

"I'm not that easy!"

So I tried to put a bluff, but.

"You are really cute, Renako."
"No no, no no no..."

Ah this is embarrassing.

"No, you can't! We are not lovers! Today is an interval day! The match only starts tomorrow, in July!"
"...I see."

Mai stopped her movements and pulled her hands.

I looked at her a bit surprised, and then she smiled calmly.

T-this girl...

"If you want to do it, just tell me, I will make sure to treat you well."
"So you choose to reverse the situation!"

She enveloped my body with her warmth, and then, she slowly whispered into my ear.

"If you choose to become my lover, these wonderful days will last, you see. Days where I'm only looking at you, where I'll only shower you with my love. The two of us, on this bed, we will keep embracing each other without anything on our body, without anyone bothering us."
"T-this kind of thing, everyday..."

Looking at that perfectly made smile, I gulped slowly.

And then, while pulling the sheets, I shrieked loudly.

"It would be more impossible to not choose best friends then!"

With this, our match has ended.

And another battle just began.


Novel's Colored Illustrations

Translator's Note:
And that's the end of the first volume. The second volume will focused on Mai and Satsuki's cold war and the third volume that will released next year will focus on Ajisai!

The Arioto second volume's translation will starts soon, please look forward for it since our dumb couple is back~
I'll take two weeks break before starting due to the preparation, sorry for the inconvenience!

For more detailed info about the novel, click here

TL and everything else: Meatbun
Proofread: Mai88

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