First, let me apologize for the delay due to some private circumstances, and finally this is the second part of the second chapter!

Please keep in mind that this chapter contained lewdness.


We were going around a lot of shops and spent our time at a café again until it was time for us to go home. I feel a bit reluctant to end this fun time. When we headed to the station to board our train and leave the plazaー

ーIt's 6 p.m. There's a sudden heavy rain outside.

Why?! Today was supposed to be a sunny day, right!?

"Damn! I thought weather was my ally today!"

We quickly headed back to the plaza with soaked clothes. Mai kept wiping me with her handkerchief since earlier.

Right after we left the plaza, the rain poured down. It was only for a few seconds, but the intensity of the water drops were so heavy that we got totally drenched. We look like people who just went into a pool with their clothes on.

"Geez, what a time to rain..."

There were a lot of people who were in the same condition as us. Everyone is complaining about the sudden weather change.

While I was looking at my surroundings, Mai kept trying to dry the area around my forehead just like a mother, it's embarrassing so I pulled away my body.

"You don't have to be that worried over me, you should do that to yourself."
"With only a handkerchief in our hands there won't be any significant change though."
"That's true....We can't ride the train like this, what should we do...Should we go back to the plaza to buy a towel or a pair of new clothes...?"

Kushun, Mai started to sneeze with a small voice. The rain during June is pretty cold. I touched Mai's upper arm, it felt like touching an ice bar. I became flustered.

"Wa-wait, Mai. We really should do something about your body."

Looking at her, I also noticed one thing. Ah, she will really pull everyone's attention at this rate!

"Because it's showing, it's really showing!"

The matchless beauty who gets soaked from top to the bottom of her clothes, even I couldn't help but gulp. She looked so erotic after all.

For now, I should really do my best to protect this best friend of mine. First, let's become a wall to cover her from other's gazes!

Mai placed her hand on top of her mouth like thinking about something. Then, she pulled out her smartphone.

"It will get cold, but may I make a call right now?"
"Eh? Aah, sure."

She wiped her wet smartphone and then called someone. Could it be that she asked someone to pick her up?

"ーYes, I'm getting a bit soaked right now, Mama."

So she called her mother with mama. I see, it suits her.

But even if she gets picked up by a car, that won't help with her current drenched situation. I don't really mind catching a cold, but I don't want to make my friend sick.

I was looking at the mall's map and searched for stores we might needt. When I was back, it looked like Mai already finished her call.

"Renako, will you stick with me for a bit?"

It was just for a short while, but after seeing her again with her wet hairs, she looked so enticing just like a mermaid princess who came out straight from the fairy tale.

"Eh, wh-what? It's okay but, where to?"

She's mumbling like she's hesitating to say it. What is it? Is she planning on going home ahead? She's a lady, I don't really mind if it becomes like that.

But I was wrong.

She's pointing her finger at the hotel on the map and with an eye like a little puppy who got left in the middle of the rain, she's looking at me, "To the hotel."

When she said that, I became speechless and only managed to let out a single, "Eh......?"

After she explained her circumstances, I started to understand and accept her notion.

It seems like she will be helping her mother's work starting next week overseas. If she became sick, it would become a total disaster. That's why the result of her discussion with her mother earlier is to get warmed up as soon as possible. That led to Mai concluding that she needs to rent a hotel room.

For her to use it just to take bath and changing clothes, the way she's using her money sure is extravagant. Well, it's too late if I began to question it now.

But still.

"...Why should I come with you?"
"If right now I leave you here because I want to take a break in a hotel in the middle of rain and your soaked clothes, what kind of friend would I be?"
"That's right, but..."

Right now, Me and Mai are standing inside the hotel room.

Her argument was right, but still, the other party is Mai...But wait, right now she's my friend...Because she's my best friend it would be okay, it would be okay, right...? I'm confused.

It's a huge room with a huge bed in the middle. Since this is a resort hotel, the bath tub is large, looks like it's intended for family use.

While Mai is preparing the hot water, I messaged my mom, [I'm taking shelter from the rain right now, I'll come home a bit late.]

I'm not lying...I just left out the part I'm taking shelter in a hotel room.

Mai came back with a bath towel dangling on her neck and urged me to take off my clothes, "Renako, hurry."

She wears only underwear right now.

Right now I'm looking at Oozuka Mai's half naked state even though I just saw her swimsuit appearance the other day. She's wearing expensive looking black underwear. It gives off a different kind of charm...

Her wet underwear gives out an ambiguous feeling of transparency...Eh, this is a bit too erotic, don't you think?

In the first place, it's not about best friends or lovers, doesn't she ever think that taking off my clothes in front of her is an embarrassing thing to do as a woman...

"Renako, hurry up and take off your clothes. I already called the room service and they will dry our clothes. Look, your face has started to get redder since earlier."

The cause of this red is a bit different from what you think...

"Just be patient...I need a huge amount of courage to do this..."

Without any mercy she keeps pressuring me with that eye. If I keep postponing taking off my clothes, I bet she will forcefully take them off for me. That's dangerous. Mainly the impression she gave.

I finally give in and slowly take off my dampened clothes.

Even though I already took off my clothes and it leaves me with just a pair of underwear, she keeps staring at me.

"W-what? I'm taking it off right now...?"
"No, I just think that pink underwear is cute."
"Haa!? I bought it for only 2,000 yen during the bargain sale though!?"
"I never asked you for the price. Now, hurry up or you’ll catch a cold."

Her eyes gave off the feeling of overconfidence and commanding just like during her time in the class as the school's empress.

As a shabby character, I'm really weak with those eyes. Besides, she has a sound argument so I can't really say anything.

"Ugh...I'm going to the bathroom!"

I take off my underwear and put it inside the laundry bag. After that, I put on the bathrobe and went back to the room. It seems like Mai already changed into her bathrobe too.

I'm observing her body line that clearly shows through the bathrobe. The moment when I realized she had nothing under that bathrobe and imagined it, my head was steaming.

This is weird, even though we are best friends for today...No, even though it was between friends, wearing only a bathrobe inside a room is an embarrassing thing to do as friends!

After a while, the bell was ringing. The room service lady arrived to pick up our clothes and Mai handed her over the laundry bag.

With this we can't go out from this room and are trapped inside until our clothes are back. 

Without missing any beat, Mai keeps showing her quality as a leader.

"Now then, the water is ready. Before we manage to catch a cold, let's warm our bodies inside the bath."
"Ah, sure...Um, well then you can go first, Oozuka-san."
"Don't be stupid."

Hii, these eyes again!

"Do you think of me as a despicable person who's enjoying her bath while leaving her best friend in this state? We get in together."
"Together...with Mai. Together!?"

She swiftly pulled my wrist and ignored my yelling.


In the end while sticking close to each other, we went inside the bathtub. The water is splashing over due to our bodies.

I'm getting very embarrassed, I don't dare to look at my side. But being overly conscious toward a best friend is weird, so I'm sure the problem is my own emotion. Theoretically, this is impossible after all.

Fuu, Mai blew out a warm breath.

"I'm sorry for the bad timing. Indeed, doing something like this might be easier as friends rather than lovers. If it becomes like this, I should plan something more to impress you next time."

Are you really apologizing for that right now?

I timidly play with the hair band on my wrist since earlier so I can peek at her face when she says that.

She was being pushy earlier, but she's being very negative right now. But if she's getting excited with this situation, it would be a problem...

Aah geez, friends, friends, I keep repeating the same word like a spell.

This is pushing it, but I have no other choice, I should improve this mood.

"Waah, I found bathing powder here! As expected from a luxurious hotel! Let's put it in, put it in!"
"You have a weird way to change the topic, don't you think?"
"Waah, yuzu scent is very good, this is the best! I decide that this will be the trend for this year!"

I pretend not to hear Mai's retort and keep frolicking around. There's nothing more embarrassing than sticking my body with Mai inside a bathtub after all!

I killed off my emotion and kept my own little play until Mai finally let out a laughter. I did it, it's my victory.

"...Good grief you really are...But still, I'd like to apologize for suddenly inviting you to a hotel."
"Wordings...Well, Mai being forceful is not something new, don't mind it. I should be the one who should apologize because you paid for all of these even though I insisted that we should have an equal standing as friends."
"That's alright, this time is for my own circumstances after all."

Hearing her gentle voice right beside my ear made me ticklish.

To keep the mood, I tried to change the topic and questioned her in a neutral voice tone.

"Anyway, so you are going overseas starting next week to help your mother with her work?"

When Mai heard my question, I feel the air become heavy around her.

Crap. It seems like I failed again at changing topics.

Without holding back her emotions, her voice is echoing inside the bathroom.

"My mama gave me a luxurious life up until now, so I don't want to make her worried about me."

I'm peeking at her face, it's close. I reflectively turn my head and look straight in front of me. This is dangerous, my heart won't calm down.

"S-so even Mai is thinking about something like that. Your mother is a fashion designer, right?"
"Aa, she’s vigorously going around the world. Even though there's a lot of beautiful models out there, she specifically called out for me. So I assume that there must be something she wanted from me as her daughter this time. That's why I will take some time off from school and go to Paris."
"I'm blessed with a good environment, and I'm very grateful for that. That's why I want to pay her back with everything I have. This time, she has a request for me, of course I'll fulfill her wish. Besides, I don't really have the reason to reject it."

She hugs her long legs and rests her cheek on top of her knees. When she's like that, she reminds me of a little kid.

If it was a normal person, I'm sure they would react with, "What a beautiful story."

She has a famous mother, is from a rich family, and she's doing her job as a pro-model. For her, who has youth, beauty, and talent, it makes me wonder sometimes why she's willing to become friends with me.


"Mai sure has it rough too."

What came out from my mouth were those words.

"Ah, sorry."

It's my third failure for today! I quickly reflect on my past failures, I'm really a fool. During my self-reflecting time, Mai keeps looking at me with a translucent air around her and a vulnerable expression.

...Is that really a failure? I don't know.

"Why were you thinking like that?"
"Well, because..."

It's embarrassing if you keep staring at me like that but I can't say it with this kind of mood, so I answered her with a mumble.

"Before, you said something like you want people to look at the real you, right? That's why I thought that it must be tiring to keep living up to people's expectations. With that amount of pressure, it's not weird if your shoulders become stiff, don't you think?"

"Well, I should work on the pressure that was directed on me first before I talked about others." I said that with a laugh to lighten the mood, but Mai leaned her body on me.

Hue!? My shoulders are twitching.

"I see, now I remember. I fell in love with you because of that side of you."
"I-is it? But if it’s only this much, even the others wouldー"

She brings her face closer to mine, I can feel her breath. 

Hie! Naked, we are naked right now!

"There's no one"
"For me, I have no one like that. I always become a subject of jealousy from every direction ever since I was born. When I behave like a queen and lead everyone, I thought that was the ideal outcome to control my surroundings."
"T-that's, amazing."

This is not a simple flattery, I was being serious. It's a completely foreign world that I can't imagine, but I try to picture it.

She is regarded as a rival by Satsuki-san, and Kaho-chan admires her like an idol...

I can't, let's stop. If I continue this for another five minutes, I'll probably say "That's not true! I'm not that reliable!" 

I should do my best here.

"I-I get it. It's okay, Mai. Even though you are an existence that's like an illusion for others, I will keep looking at you as a big bully and a total carnivorous woman, I promise."

I said it while pushing her body from mine. This time, she laughs like she's looking at some odd animals.

"Aa, that's right. You are the only one who dares to say something like that to me."
"That's a given since we are best friends."

I raise one of my hands and show her my finger with a smug face. While naked, I turned my body and faced the naked Mai.

"I want this person to understand and know all the things about me. Doing stupid stuff together, having fun and get into the same excitement. When things go rough they will be there for me...That's my ideal relationship, my ideal friends."
"...Is that really a friend?"

She muttered that while looking at me with a strange gaze, what's with that reaction, it's plummeting my confidence!

"T-that's right. I've never had someone like that before. But I always thought that I wanted to become that kind of friend with you."
"I see, so that's the case. I should admit that that kind of relationship is really lovely."

Receiving Mai's agreement is really improving my mood.

"Right? That's why, being friends is the best!"

Right after I said that, Mai touched my ear and stroked it out of the blue.


The area around my hip reacted to the sudden touch and jumped a bit. That's a sudden ambush!

"Indeed, I want to have that kind of relationship with you. But, those are things that I sought from my lovers, not a friend."
"I tried to understand your train of thought. We did a lot of stupid things together, and having fun...Of course when things get tough, I will be by your side. I will hold your hands, and embrace your shoulders. Is there anything different?"

My breath hitched, she's looking at me with a sincere gaze from above my eyes.

"T-that's! Of course they are different! B-because, because...Best friends, and lovers, are..."

I wanted to reject her statement, but I have no idea what to say.

I always had a feeling that we were always passing each other. Right now, I finally understand the reason behind that uncomfortable feeling of mine.

Since the beginning, we have been longing for the same things.

What is this...What am I feeling right now, is this happiness? Is it because we have the same feelings, and it suits my ideal relationship? But for Mai, this is something that is called [lovers]...on the contrary, there's a huge gap between what type of relationship we desire.

While I'm busy with my own thoughts, Mai proceeds to put her hand on top of mine.

"Of course, there's also a huge difference between lovers and best friends."
"W-what is it? Ah, wait, no, I don't want to hear it. Yup, it's time for us to get out from here! I still need to wash my hair!"
"You're right. I think I also should wash my hair. It's gotten wet because of the rain."

Mai took off her hair-clasp right in front of me. Her blonde hair is fluttering around the air and some of the strands are touching my cheeks.

This. Could it be that―

"Of course, I should let down my hair when I wash them."

Her voice oozes out an alluring aura. Ha! Lovers mode!

"Eh, wait, what are you doing so suddenly!? That's unfair, don't you think!?"
"What are you talking about? I just want to wash my hair."
"Then explain the meaning behind this hand! Why are you pressing me against the bathtub!? Ah, wait, y-you can't touch me!"

Due to our differences in size, she naturally is stronger than me. She pressed right on my solar plexus. So precise!

"It's natural if I want to wash my lover's hair during our bath together, don't you think? It's the part of being a maiden, right?"
"So I was right! What are you!? You were being a good friend for a whole day, but when you let your hair down you become like this! Is your personality being controlled by your hair or what!?"
"Haha, you sure are cute like that, just like a little puppy."

She lifted my chin with her hand, she sure likes doing this.

I don't know what sparked the flame inside her, but I know that she's being serious right now.


She pressured me with an overwhelming gaze, I have no choice but to yield myself.

"Alright, I get it, Mai. Let's talk. Let's talk about this, leー"

I keep repeating my words while pushing her body with both of my hands, but she won't budge.

From her slightly opened mouth, I can see her tongue.

"...No matter how many times I said it, you won't believe me, right?"
"I-I believe! I believe you this time! That's whyー"

I didn't get to say it until the end.

Mai's lips were getting closer and touched my lips. 

For a moment, I'm feeling a gentle breeze flowing around.

My eyes are wide opened.

My vision was filled with Mai, and then she pulled away.

"Wa, wa, wa, wa......."

The numbness in my lips transmitted to my whole body and made me quiver. My face must be very red and I can't stop moving my mouth in disbelief.

"My first kiss!"

With a face filled with emotion, she strokes her lips.

"Me too. Having your lips touching the lips of your loved one is really a good thing."
"The part that touched each other wasn't only the lips, though!"

I was trapped between the bath tub and Mai, our chests touching each other. Wait, that's not the case right now!

"Aa, having my first kiss with a girl...I finally deviated from the norm..."
"That's not something to worry about. It's Reiwa, the era where love between girls is a standard."
"Really!? Isn't that something limited inside your head!?"

I feel like a paper that got tainted by ink at one side, so the other side isn’t directly touched by the ink, their color is changing, is what I think. I pushed her body from me.

"Uuu, you're satisfied, right? Just let me go now."

There are fragments of lust left inside those eyes.

"You aren’t!?"
"I always thought that I'm good at controlling myself...But after touching these lips of yours, it felt like tasting a forbidden fruit."
"E-eei! Don't get carried away now!"

I'm already fed up with this situation. I'm starting to consider kicking this lustful woman to bring back her sanity, but she already pushed her legs between my legs.

Th-this position is not good!

Her leg is touching! A lot of places! The dangerous spots!

I used my brain at full throttle so I could get out of this racy situation, but she stole my lips when I'm not paying any attention to her.

It's the second time. Her fluffy lips are like marshmallow, the sensation is spreading on my lips.

"N, nnn, nnnnn."

My body slowly lost its power. From my lips, every part of my body is dyed with Mai's color. At this rate, we will do everything on her list from the beginning to the end!

This is not good! I already....

ーI don't have any other choice!

I placed my arms around Mai's shoulder. It looks like I'm hugging her and accepting her advance from the depth of my heart. But...That's not my intention.

After we kissed for a while, Mai pulled her face and looked at me with a questioning look.


My insides melted, tears were coming down from my eyes, but I still tried to speak even in a very low voice.

"I-it doesn't count."

She's blinking with surprise.

"What do you mean?"

The steams are filling the bathroom, also, Mai's scent. While she's hugging me with that snowy white skin, the sensation of her lips are already carved on me that I won't ever forget. But I still manage to launch my last attack, I laugh mischievously. 

It wasn't driven by either stubbornness, or the feeling of not wanting to lose.

"Because right now, we are [best friends]..."
"We’ve already done that much and you still insist on saying that."

And that's when she realized.

The hair band that is supposed to be on my wrist is on her hair right now, it changed her hair into a side ponytail.

With this, by tying her hair up like this, this situation is something between friends. Which means...

"I heard that it's normal for friends to kiss as a joke...So this is a 'no count', right?"

Mai stared at my eyes.

"I see."
"Yup, that's why, those kind of thingsー"

I did it well! As expected of me!

I'm satisfied with my cleverness at this situation and nod at myself. But then I realized something. Mai's eyes resembled the boys' gaze when they were eyeing our group. In other words, right now her eyes are dyed with lustfulness.

ーAh. This might be bad.

I remember the feelings when I fell from the rooftop.

I will die, right? Kind of feelings.

Right after I thought that, Mai took my lips for the third time.

This one is very different from before, I felt a hot and wet thing move my lips apart and went inside my mouth.

"N, nnn!?"

W-what is this!? Tongue!?

No way, no way no way! Mai's tongue is rampaging inside my mouth!


I already heard the rumor that this type of kiss does exist. She wrapped my tongue with hers and licked the inside every nook and cranny! Uwaaaaa!

As if I will let you pass this as a joke, is what she conveyed by this kiss.

Her kisses were strong, sharp, and burned with passion. She's messing me just like a rampaging storm.

This is dangerous. I'll die.

I kept clinging hard to her body to endure the sensation she gave me. When it ended, my cheeks were wet from my tears.

"Haa, haa..."

She slowly pulled away her body. When she let go of my lips, strands of saliva were formed. That's erotic.

Like a fish that's away from the water, I couldn't really move my body. I rested my back on the bathtub. I let out a meaningless whine.

Adult kisses have a really huge impact...

In contrast, Mai licked her lips and narrowed her eyes. With a composed voice, she opened her mouth.

"Since this is between friends, it's a ‘no count’, right?"

I can't even laugh at this.


We are looking at each other’s eyes. This naked woman who took my first kiss raised her hand and stroked my cheek gently.

Like feeding a little chick, she touched my lips with hers softly.

"I love you, Renako."

Rather than those forceful kisses like earlier, this one has more effect on me.

"What are you saying to a friend...."

What came out from my mouth is not criticism of her behavior nor gratitude for her confession. I chose to say that.

Aah geez, we finally crossed the line that should never be crossed. This is...

After that, we received our dried clothes from the hotel staff, put on our clothes and left the hotel. When I was looking at the skies, the huge rain earlier seemed like a lie. It reminded me of Mai's word earlier about the correlation between her will and the weather. 

When we walked home, in contrast to Mai, who acted normally, my chest felt painful with a lot of words I wanted to say.

I expected today to end with our exchange about our VR experience, or talking about stupid things.

"Even though you said that you hate being forceful."
"If I did it a week ago, it would have become forceful. But today, that wasn't the case, right?"
"...Of course, you were..."

When we parted ways, the only words that managed to come out of my mouths were only these.

...As I thought, I don't like this.

As friends, our fun times when playing with VR, cooperating on a mission, and our enjoyable's like those things became a mere extra for our kiss today.

Even though I wanted the fun times to keep going on forever.

And the annoying thing, the most annoying thing...after it was over, I thought that today was a really special day for us.

It's like I'm dancing on her palm all of the time.

Aah, geez.

I can't describe these murky feelings inside my chest, and I don't have any idea what I should do with them. If this is what I got from being a lover, being best friends is definitely the best choice.

It's wrong of her to say that these two relationships are the same.

I strengthen my resolve...

That day, I couldn't sleep due to my excessive heart beat.


Translator's Note
Just a short notice that this week's update schedule might lag a bit due to my own circumstances, I apologize in advance! It won't take more than four days though. Thanks for your understanding!

For more detailed info about the novel, click here

TL and everything else: Meatbun
Proofread: Mai88

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