

We arrived at the room next to ours. In other words, Mai’s room.

In that room, there was a huge clothing rack, and—

―many different types of yukata hung up on it.

It was like we were inside a yukata rental shop.

Seeing this, I was sure that even Ajisai couldn’t help but felt unsettled, but―

“Eeh, Mai-chan, you’re awesome!”

Or not. 

“Waah,” Ajisai-san excitedly looked through the yukata, feeling the material. She had accepted it this easily?! 

“I borrowed them from the hotel I usually stay at. We just need to return it after using it, so please feel free to choose whichever one you like.”
“Waa, can we really borrow any of these for free...?”
“That’s right. It’s like...when you are a regular at a café, the owner would treat you to a complimentary dessert, something like that.”
“Waah, that’s amazing...it sounds like a completely different world...well then, I’ll take you up on your offer, Mai-chan!”
“It’s my pleasure, Ajisai. I want everyone to wear it, after all.”

I trembled all over as I watched their conversation from the start.

Even though I had to compete against Ajisai-san at table tennis to convince her to split the bills...Mai was basically on another level…

Both my frustration and complacency were excessive, but it was even more frustrating than satisfying after all…! If only I had 50 trillion in my bank account…!

“Renako too. Please choose the one you like.”
“I-I won’t lose, Mai…! I’ll be the one to get Ajisai-san’s heart in the end…! Don’t think that you can win with this method…!”

Mai had a lonely look on her face.

“I see...I was getting ahead of myself since I really wanted us to go to the festival together wearing yukata...but you’re not happy about that…?”
“Nope, of course I’m excited right now. It makes me happy! I’m looking forward to you and Ajisai-san wearing yukata! Really!”

That wasn’t good. To think that I had vented my frustration towards Mai, who purely did things for Ajisai-san and my sake. I was no better than a douchebag. Get lost, ugly emotions! Begone!

Huh. If I eliminated every ugly emotion I had, I would basically be exterminating my entire existence...well, let’s forget about that for now. I shifted my gaze to the numerous types of yukata before me. Let’s stop feeling anything!

Looking at the variety of colours and fabrics, as well as the accessories, really made me excited, considering I was a normal high school girl! (emotionless)

“I wonder which one’s good.”

In times like these, I would often end up choosing outfits that looked good on my little sister rather than for myself.

As sisters, we resembled each other quite a bit. Also, our interests, and like, what was it again, our preferences…? The colour, glamour, and.........pompadour? Whatever, I didn’t really remember the exact words. In short, we just about shared the same tastes. If I considered that from this perspective, I was sure that I wouldn't mess anything up.

Anyway, my current interest was, well...things that would look cute and suit Ajisai-san.

It was only inevitable, right? For me, Ajisai-san was the embodiment of an ideal girl! Right?

I figured I should just choose the yukata for now...not based on my preference, but something that would suit me…

“Is there anything that piques your interest?”

That was surprising. I really hadn’t noticed her presence at all. Standing by the rack was a woman in a suit, someone who had managed to erase her presence.


Well, that was a given. Of course Mai wouldn’t have prepared all of these by herself.

“It’s been a while. Please don’t mind me.”

With a composed expression, the competent attendant clasped her hands before her body and bowed slightly. She really resembled an android with no flaws in the way she conducted herself.

In a low voice, Hanatori-san added, “Since I would also pretend that you don’t exist.”


Had I just heard something unsettling?

“Nah, uh, what do you mean…?”
“Please don’t mind me, lowlife.”
“Hey, wait a minute?!”

Why was I being insulted and treated like a lowlife by Mai’s attendant?!

I whirled around. Behind me, Mai was cheerfully choosing her yukata together with Ajisai-san. I couldn’t bother them!

Facing an unexpected, strong opponent who bared her fangs at me out of nowhere made me tremble.

“Um, did I do something…?”
“Nothing in particular.”
“Then, why lowlife...no, huh? Hanatori-san, are you some kind of attendant who calls others lowlife?”
“I think no one can survive as a full-fledged member of society with that attitude, though?”

She was looking at me dubiously.

Of course, I knew that! I was questioning why you were treating me like a lowlife even though you were fully aware of the fact that your attitude was questionable!

“Even though I thought that you were a well-mannered person that time when Satsuki-san was also present…”

Her emotionless face twitched briefly.

I had never believed her to be a vile person...no, but that time she had also teased Satsuki-san. That was the sign.

Hanatori-san averted her gaze, and then muttered, “Since Koto-sama will be the master I serve in the future.”

Seeing a warm smile spread across her face, I was sure that she had said something that came straight from her heart.

…...huh? Future? Master?

“Huh? What the―pardon? Did you just refer to something like a promise where you’re planning to serve Satsuki-san when she becomes successful and rich…?”

That was dangerous. I had almost slipped up and spoken to her casually. I was lucky enough to catch myself and smooth things over.

Hanatori-san placed one hand over her mouth, her cheeks reddening.

“No, that’s not the case. Since Koto-sama will be marrying Milady in the future.”
“You! So you are in the radical MaiSatsu camp, huh?!”

That was the reason! That was why this person was treating me coldly!

Since Mai likes me, she considered me a hindrance! But that was totally not my fault, right?!

“And that’s why, for a lowlife who obstructs the beautiful flowers, which yukata is good for you, I wonder? How about this mini yukata that will totally expose your underwear?”
“As if I would wear something like that! Why did you casually prepare something that’s clearly intended for children!”

Hearing my yell, Mai came over to us.

“Is something wrong, Renako? You can’t decide which yukata you want to wear?”

At first, I had intended to spill everything to Mai, but I managed to barely, just really barely among barely, hold back on my words and give up that thought.

“I-I was just asking for Hanatori-san’s help to choose my yukata…!”

I was sure that Hanatori-san had watched over Satsuki-san and Mai since their childhood.

Of course, to her, my existence was something like a lowly insect who was bothering them. Still, she could’ve chosen another, less painful word!

“Is that so? I see. I also often rely on Hanatori’s fashion sense for references. Hanatori, make sure to help Renako shine beautifully.”

Hanatori-san bowed respectfully. Then she came back and stood next to me, and unexpectedly opened her mouth again.

“So you admitted your position as a lowlife… As I thought, your main goal is...Milady’s fortune.”
“As if that’s the case!”

I had so many things I wanted to say but for now, let me tell her one, no, two things that were the most important.

“Mai and I aren’t lovers, and of course money is definitely not the reason I’m choosing to hang out with her…!”
“I really don’t have any slight interest in your excuses.”

It was like she had zero interest in listening to me.

Without any sign of respect, she spoke to me in a very cold tone.

“Even with her busy schedule, she used her precious, single day off just for your sake. That’s why, please do not betray her generosity and kindness.”

Her way of phrasing it was terrible, but this whole thing had basically been what Mai did of her own accord, right… Of course it made me happy though…

I glanced at Mai’s profile. It reminded me of her appearance during that fashion-show, making me restless. She really didn’t need to spell it out for me...since I was perfectly aware that we lived in different worlds.

“But that’s exactly the reason. I can’t do things like give her empty praises and compliments… What I can do for her right now is to try my best in fulfilling my role as her friend.”

Uuh...why wasn’t she responding…?!

What an intense aura…

In this condition, it would be only a matter of time before I succumbed to her icy gaze and showed my belly, declaring my submission, “I’m sorry, woof!” 

Before I did that, Hanatori-san took a yukata off the rack.

“Well then, how about this one?”

It was a lovely blue yukata, with a pattern that my little sister would have liked.

...it seemed like she would really obey Mai’s order here.

Unlike earlier, her choice this time was not a selection to mess with me. With a faint voice, faint enough to be swallowed by the sound of the air conditioner, I answered her, “I’ll take that, please...” and I slightly bowed my head.

“Well then, let’s pick the obi next. If you like that, how about this one―"

Aaah, my stomach, my stomach was aching….

And so I finished my first yukata choosing experience along with my first experience of getting dressed up in a traditional  yukata (it felt like she was putting a set of armor on me). Then I went outside.

Guhaa. I couldn’t walk. These wooden sandals felt so strange. It really restricted my movement range, making it narrow…

So this was a genuine yukata… It appeared very adorable but behind that cuteness, a hidden effort was needed…

While wearing this, what was I supposed to do if I wanted to use the toilet…? Uuh, I should probably not buy too many beverages at the festival…

It was already dark outside, and the sounds of the festival were louder than before.

I carried a small pouch in my right hand, which held my phone and wallet, and waited for Mai and Ajisai-san. Hanatori-san was the one helping us fit into the yukata after all, so I was first in the order.

I decided to wait for them in front of the inn. When I passed the receptionist, the granny, she looked at me.

“Oh my, how beautiful.”
“Hehe, ehehe.”

I hadn’t kept my usual hair style. This time, I had pinned on a hair accessory that suited short hair. Hehe.

This was pretty cute, eh. No, I wasn’t talking about me, but this was cute, right?

Since I was wearing a yukata, I didn’t feel like the usual me, so somehow, I was able to talk with the granny without feeling as nervous as usual. She really praised me a lot, saying, “Kids from Tokyo are really different after all, eh?” Hehehe.

At that moment, I heard someone calling my name, “Rena-chan.”

“Ah, Ajisai-san, Mai.”

My hand stopped mid-wave.

“Sorry for making you wait so long. I had my hair arranged.”
“What do you think, Renako? Do I look good in my yukata?”

This wasn’t the level where they looked good.

I was completely left in the dust.

Ajisai-san wore a white yukata with purple hydrangea flowers as the motif. As she moved, the hair ornament hanging from her hair swayed along with each motion.

Her obi, shaped like a ribbon, looked like a butterfly perched on a flower. The yukata really made Ajisai-san’s beauty stand out like a blossom.

In contrast, Mai was wearing a scarlet yukata with a colorful motif that resembled momiji, Japanese maple leaves. Her obi was secured in a different shape than Ajisai-san’s, fastened tightly around her waist, giving her a dignified look. It really brandished Mai’s beauty perfectly.

Mai’s hair was braided at the base, then arranged gorgeously into a half-up style. With that hair arrangement, it revealed her defenseless nape. I could vaguely see the pale color of her skin that gave off a sense of sensuality.

Both the granny and I had our mouths hanging open.

“Michelangelo’s masterpiece…”

With Ajisai-san and Mai here, my sense of danger had grown louder than before.

Looking closer, I really had no idea how their hair was arranged in such detailed and magnificent styles. These hairstyles were Hanatori-san’s work, right? That person...could it be that her real identity was a stylist or what...?

Ajisai-san flashed me a smile.

“Rena-chan, you look good in that yukata. It’s cute.”
“Eh, ah, thanks…” (faint voice)
“Hey, what do you think about my yukata?”
“I-it suits you very much...an angel…”
“Ehehe, that makes me happy.”

They stood on both sides, sandwiching me in the middle. From my other side, Mai also smiled gracefully.

“Renako, how about me?”
“Y-you look so beautiful…” (faint voice)
“Fufu, thanks. Wearing something like this really makes me excited. To think that I could go to a festival with these pretty girls.”

Squeezed between Mai and Ajisai-san, I slightly bowed my head to granny. 

“We’re leaving then...” I said, and started walking.

Behind my back, I could hear faint murmurs.

“...on the other side, who’s that girl?”

I was Amaori Renako, just an imposter who had gotten mixed in the elite group of the normies…


We passed the hill and then walked along the road decorated with lanterns. At last, I had managed to recover myself from the damage inflicted by Mai and Ajisai-san’s outfits and became excited about the festival.

The noise of the festival increased.


We rounded the corner and arrived at the festival. There were numerous stalls lined up on both sides of the path. I didn’t know what this festival was for, but it really looked like a real, traditional one.

Since it was still the middle of summer break, there were plenty of people gathered today. During our walk, I could see families, couples, and groups of friends, many of them wearing yukatas.

The three of us joined the crowd and looked around at the stalls.

“Hey hey, what do you think that is?”
“‘Super Ball Scooping’? Sounds interesting. Let’s go do that.”
“Huh? Have you never visited a festival like this, Mai?”
“I haven’t. These events are usually held during summer break, right? I usually spend my summer break overseas, that’s why.”
Fufun. You taught me a lot about candies back then, so now it’s my turn to show you how to have fun in the festival! Let’s do the Super Ball Scooping first!”

It wasn’t like I went to festivals often, though. The last time I went to a festival, I had been with my family, sometime around the start of middle school.

But doing it this way would be more fun anyway, so I grabbed Mai’s hand.

Even though the lights around were pretty dim, it was still not enough to prevent others from gaping at the two sparkling beauties next to me, so I was only able to do my best to obstruct people’s stares...

Nonetheless, doing things like this was pretty fun.

The three of us were really in high spirits while we browsed the festival.

Once school restarts, I understood that things would be different, but at least right now, I could really think that from deep inside my heart.

That I wanted this moment to last forever.

Since doing things like going to festivals with friends was something that screamed “normies”, right?

This was totally something I had longed for during my gloomy days, as I lay listlessly inside my futon.

“Hey, let’s eat takoyaki next.”
“Ah, I want to eat the apple candy.”
“Then I’ll also buy cotton candy. Let’s split up to buy everything and then share them between us.”

Agreed! With smiles on our faces, we parted ways for a little while to our own preferred stalls.

I was so deep in my own excitement that I had completely no idea what was happening behind my back.

I bought two boxes of takoyaki and arrived at our meeting point, but nobody was there yet.

Huh? Wait, where was our meeting point again?!

Crap! I had been so excited that I forgot! Huh, here?! Over there?! Where?!

No, wait, I should calm down. For now, I decided to send a group message. They would notice, right? Would they? Panic panic…

I stood stiff and still behind the pillar of the shrine, a plastic bag in my hand.

If it had been Mai or Ajisai-san, I was confident that I could find them even from 100 km away due to their sparkling aura. But right now, the one who was lost...was me…! 

Aah, I wondered if Mai and Ajisai-san were alright. What if they met some weirdos… No, but, if those two were together, no one would be brave enough to approach them, right?

Even though they were both girls, they really looked like a couple after all. I imagined the scene where they smiled at each other, creating a world just between the two of them—the world of MaiAji! That kind of atmosphere.

I see. So that was the reason why I was currently here, alone…

Now, this felt lonely...they also didn’t notice my message…

No, if I felt lonely, of course they would also feel the same! I had already promised to show them the way to enjoy a festival after all! I should properly fulfill it!

With brand new determination, I hurriedly left my spot before the takoyaki went cold.


While Amaori Renako was getting lost, on the other hand—

―Ajisai had already arrived at the meeting point with apple candies in her hands.

Not far from the ‘Super Ball Scooping’ stall, she had found Mai standing still while holding cotton candy.

Amidst the dimness, looking at Mai with her eyes lowered, Ajisai felt her heart skip a beat. Her beauty was so breathtaking, she couldn’t help but be charmed by Mai.

“Oh? Welcome back, Ajisai.”

Mai beamed. Right at that moment, Ajisai realized that Mai’s smile triggered a powerful charm that felt magical.

“E-err...Rena-chan hasn't come back yet?”
“It seems so. The stall might be crowded right now. It’s still pretty early. Let’s just enjoy this moment.”

Holding the apple candy in her hands, Ajisai moved next to Mai.

From the corner of her eyes, she peeked at Mai.

“Is there something wrong?”
“Ah, no. It’s just, right now I can’t help but think that Mai-chan is really beautiful… Ah, what am I saying? Even though you look beautiful everyday.”
“Maybe it’s because I’m wearing a yukata right now. But still, you also look charming tonight, Ajisai. That yukata really fits you. It’s lovely.”
“T-thank you…”

For Ajisai, it had been a while since the last time she felt like this when talking to Mai. She remembered the exact same feeling from the first time she had seen Mai at the entrance ceremony.

Since then, she had perfectly grasped Mai’s personality. Mai was a kind person, so Ajisai didn’t find her hard to approach. Even then, the moment she saw that charming side of hers, Ajisai couldn’t help but be captivated.

“Mai-chan is really busy during summer break, right?”
“Yeah, that’s right. Mama is in Japan right now, so my work is piling up. To think that I’m really longing for summer break to end. I really don't sound like a student.”
“I see...but despite that, you still cleared your schedule and made time for us. Thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure. Thanks to that I’m able to see you in your gorgeous yukata appearance after all.”
“Geez, Mai-chan.”

Mai easily spouted things like this, which was why she was labeled as Ashigaya’s Super Darling. She often made people misunderstand her words. What a sinful woman.

“It was fun eh, coming to a festival like this together.”
“It would be great if we could go to another one with Satsuki-chan and Kaho-chan next year.”
“That would be nice.”

Ajisai stared at the road before her, watching the blur of people walking past. There were so many she couldn’t discern their faces.

At this peculiar moment that felt almost like a magical hour, Mai spoke again.

“So it was a runaway trip, right? Are you okay now?”
“Ah, yup. A lot happened, but it’s okay now, since Rena-chan accompanied me.”
“I see.”

Mai smiled gently. “She really is an unusual person. She’s always there for me during hard times, sharing her warmth. Even towards me, she has already saved me many times.”

“...yeah. It makes me wonder why she would do so much for my sake.”

When Renako treated her like that, Ajisai couldn’t help but feel elated and spoiled after all.

Mai giggled at Ajisai’s question.

“Of course that’s because Renako likes you, right?”
“Eh, no, that’s—”

Ajisai became flustered just like Renako, and she gripped the collar of her yukata with one hand.

“I-is that really the case after all? Of course it looks like that, right? Somehow, it feels embarrassing…”

A relationship where you needed each other, like the pair of magical girls in her favorite show, showed a special connection between two people.

But if that was the case, then she didn’t need to feel embarrassed. What she should be doing was to proudly admit that they had a good relationship.

That was why, this feeling that was currently stirring inside Ajisai’s chest was something different from what she usually felt for her friends. 

Something different, something that existed just between Renako and Ajisai.

It sounded like―

“Hey, Ajisai.”

At that moment, concealing her mouth with the cotton candy, Mai called out to her in a clear voice.

“You see, I like Renako.”

At that moment, it was as if the bustling of the festival had vanished. Ajisai felt like she couldn’t hear anything except Mai’s words.


Before her, Mai stood there with a smile.

“Umm, what does that...”

Not able to finish her words, Ajisai realized that she was about to ask an unfitting question. It felt like she would be soiling Mai’s beauty. Deep down, she regretted her action a bit.

But still, she wanted to know.

With a hazy smile, Mai answered.

“In a romantic way, of course. I’m in love with Renako.”

The words that came out of Mai’s mouth made her beauty appear more dazzling than usual.

Ajisai responded with her usual smile, “I-is that so? That was so sudden it’s surprising.”

She tried to calm her racing heart by placing one hand on top of her chest.

It wasn’t the first time that Mai was being candid like this. She was striking.

Going along with the conversation that felt surreal, Ajisai asked her again, trying to seem calm.

“Err...so are you two going out?”
“I’ve already confessed but I haven’t received a clear response yet. It’s regrettable indeed.”

That was surprising, the fact that Mai had been the one to confess to Renako, and Renako was the one who was putting a hold to the answer.

“Is that so… I wonder why Rena-chan is confused…”
“She told me that she doesn’t have any desire for a lover. But well, I think it’s only a matter of time.”

Mai smiled stunningly, like a gambler who enjoyed the process of the battle.

Becoming weak after a series of continuous attacks from Mai, deep down, Ajisai felt like she could understand the reason behind Renako’s behavior.

She had been confessed to by that Mai after all. Of course it was hard. The feeling of inferiority, plus the sense that she didn’t deserve someone like Mai. Also, no matter how hard you tried to catch up to her so you could be her equal, it wasn’t something one could accomplish in a lifetime.

This was especially true for Renako, since she really longed for a relationship where both her and the other person were equals. 

But, if it was Renako, someday… Ajisai couldn’t help but wonder about her. More than Kaho, or Satsuki.

She remembered when they had the table tennis match, when Renako was so desperate to split the bills. Ajisai smiled as she spoke, holding back the pain in her chest.

“I see...so Rena-chan, towards Mai-chan…”

She really, completely had no idea. Ajisai felt like her head wasn’t clear, like a clean cloth that had been dirtied by a dark color. It was a heavy feeling. Right now, Ajisai couldn’t really understand herself and what was going on inside her head.

“Err...but why are you telling me this? No one else knows, right? Could it be that since you trust me as a friend...that kind of thing?”

Fuu. Like she was nervous, Mai breathed out.

“Renako is really fascinating, right?”

Sometimes she behaved rather oddly, but that was also part of her charm.

“That’s why I was wondering, you see.”
“...about what?”

Standing straight, Mai told Ajisai frankly, “I wonder if you also harbor the same feelings as mine.”

Those words pierced through Ajisai’s heart.

“Me, the same…?”

Eeh? Does it look like that?’ Her normal self would brush it off with something like that and laugh, but this time, Ajisai couldn’t bring herself to laugh.


What kind of thoughts did she have towards Renako?

She really had no idea.

A while ago, the day that Renako had told her something that resembled a confession, she felt like fireworks had blossomed inside her heart. Even right now, that spark was still there.

Thanks to that, Ajisai had changed the way she viewed her world.

Even now, whenever she saw Renako’s smile, her chest would tighten.

But still, even so—

“Mai-chan, I...”

She hadn’t properly reflected on what her true feelings were, as she suddenly realized something.

Something obvious, something that would definitely happen.

If it was true that she shared the same feelings for Renako, then Mai would be her opponent.

They would fight for the position that was reserved only for one person, the position to become Renako’s lover.

Ajisai really didn’t want to imagine how the relationship between them would be if they both fought over Renako, including their relationship with Renako if that really happened.

Fighting over someone for selfish reasons, Ajisai really couldn’t handle something like that.

Ajisai would always choose the safest path, where no one would get hurt.


Rather than these unclear feelings, she had something more important to protect.

“I...prefer not to do something that would harm our friendship…”

If she could stay by Renako’s side as her friend without hurting anyone, that would be enough. If that could result in everyone’s happiness, of course Ajisai would pick that option.

Even if by any chance, after summer break, the one who stood beside Renako was Mai. As long as it guaranteed Mai and Renako’s happiness, then it would also be her happiness, as someone who looked over them.

She had lived her entire life by doing that after all.

She couldn’t change it now after all this time.

Mai was still staring at Ajisai.

“I see.”

As if she was making sure of Ajisai's words, Mai nodded and then responded again.

“I understand.”

Without realizing it, Ajisai had clenched her hand into a fist.

A feeling of unease filled her body.

Even so, she was sure that these feelings were something temporary, something transient that would pass with time. Something that she felt briefly, like the feeling that triggered this whole runaway trip charade.

That was why it would be okay.


If Mai and Renako really end up dating out of their genuine feelings, then it would be wonderful.

She really intended to pray for their happiness.

The pain inside her heart would evaporate after some time.

What she could do right now was to comfort that feeling inside her chest, that selfish, childish side of her. Ajisai locked up the inconsiderate side of her who had thrown a tantrum during the shichi-go-san that day, and buried them deep inside. She sealed off that side of hers completely.

Standing there was a girl who wished for others’ happiness, a proper high school first-year student.

Someone who wanted to be a mature person, a bright and optimistic figure.

Someone who was hailed an “angel” by everyone. Someone kind.


With a grin, Ajisai opened her mouth.

I would totally support you two.

Right before she managed to say those words out loud—

Bam, bam! Their surroundings were coloured by light.

The fireworks were shimmering against the dark sky.


She felt like her skin had been pricked by the noise.

Mai smiled.

“Pretty, right?”

The fireworks blazed fiercely.

After everything had ended, there would be nothing left, just the scene that existed in everyone’s heart.

Just like love.


The pain in her chest grew stronger.

(Why…? Even though that’s wrong.)

Ajisai unconsciously stretched her arm out to the sky.

She saw the fireworks burst between her fingers.

And then she heard a voice.

“Ah, there you are!”

A smiling girl walked towards her from the middle of the crowd, the only person not gazing at the fireworks. She also waved her hand.


Amidst the fireworks that scattered the sky, the girl appeared before her. Ajisai felt like the scene was a snapshot caught by a camera, which captured the scenery moment by moment. The girl in her yukata stretched out her hand.

She was taken by her. 

Ajisai covered her mouth, holding her voice back.

There was something that she had always ignored, something that had been spelled out clearly by Mai.

Something that she had always pretended not to see.


The fact that for a long time,

I had already been in love with you.

From those eyes, she saw that girl. Mai squinted slightly, like looking at something bright.

In the summer night sky, the fireworks dazzled, and then dispersed into nothingness.


The three of us finished watching the fireworks and then returned to the inn.

Well, there had been a little trouble since I got lost though…

“Aah, that was fun!” I said, while stretching out my hands.

My body was finally freed from the yukata’s tightness, and it felt so light that it didn’t feel like it was my body…! So this was how manga characters felt after taking off the training weights from their body, huh. Would I be super strong if I wore a yukata for the entire year then?

“That was my first time seeing fireworks that close!”
“Candy store, yukata, fireworks...fufu, today was really a day of your firsts, eh, Renako?”
“Y-yeah. You’re right, but the way you phrased that was a bit wrong, no…?”
“In short, I took a lot of your firsts.”
“You don’t have to rephrase it! And stop casually placing your hand on my cheek!”

Good grief...did she really have zero intention to hide our relationship from Ajisai-san…? When I glared at her, she gazed at me with a composed smile.

“But well, it sure is nice to have a bath to yourself without anyone else.”

After saying that, she swiftly took off her clothes.

Right. Today we were using the public bath. Since it seemed like there were no other guests other than us, it was like we had reserved the whole bath for ourselves. Huh? Was this inn going to be alright?

Entering a bath together was really embarrassing...or not, since the weakling Amaori Renako who trembled out of fear wasn’t present.

It would have been embarrassing if it was just the two of us, but since it was three of us in the public bath today, this was totally okay!

I didn’t even understand how my emotions judged the situation, but since I felt alright, then everything was okay…

“Huh? Ajisai-san, you haven’t taken off your clothes yet?”
“Eh? Y-yup, I’m taking it off now...okay?”

If you looked at me with those reddening cheeks, I would get embarrassed…

“G-go ahead.”

Ajisai-san was acting rather odd. Even though she had been pushy yesterday, she looked so reserved today that she wasn’t really making progress undressing.

But that was understandable. I was also a woman. Wait, no. Ajisai-san wasn’t the same being as me. I couldn’t mix the two of us together. Ajisai-san was an angel, my apologies.

I reprimanded myself, then nodded to myself. Since we were entering the bath together with Mai, being naked in front of her would really make someone uncomfortable after all.

It was like, from humanity’s general perspective, of course doing things like this would be nerve-wracking. It would’ve been alright if Mai was an alien that came from Model Planet. If you saw a gorilla and you lost in terms of strength, of course you won’t be dejected, right? It was the same theory as that.

“I’m going in first then.”

I would feel bad if I rushed her, so I entered the bath. Mai had already gone inside. The steam drifted in the air as I stepped inside. I made a beeline to the washing area.

“You look like you’re in a great mood, Renako.”
“Eeeh? Do I look like that?”
“Totally. Usually, in this situation, you would look like you’re almost dried out.”
“Wait, that’s a bit unnecessary, right?! Even though it’s a fact!”

I turned on the water and washed my body.

“I’ve always wanted to do this. Doing things like this together with friends. It’s another wish that I’ve managed to turn into reality…”
“That’s great then.”
“Really. It’s only been three months since I met you, but it felt like a blink of the eye. Being together with you has really made many of my wishes come true.”
“Is that so? Actually, I came here to grant your wishes.”

If she said something like that, a part of me would believe her words since right now I felt very delighted.

“That’s why, I would also definitely grant your future dreams, which is to ‘become a cute bride’.”
“I never said that!”

Trying to gloss that over, I squeezed some shampoo and then washed my hair.

Ajisai-san, who finally arrived, chose a spot a bit far from us, and then started to wash her body. Both Mai and Ajisai-san had long hair after all, so they took a long time to wash them.

“I’m going in first.”

I finished washing my body first and then dipped into the bath.

Aaah...my sigh would come out.

Since we had walked so much along the hilly road today, I could feel the hot water spreading a relaxing sensation through my whole body.

I put the folded towel above my head to prevent it from getting wet. Seeing me do that, Mai laughed. Mu...even though this was basic etiquette when you’re in a bath.

After a while, Ajisai-san joined us in the bath. The three of us sat enveloped in hot water, nobody saying anything. Haaa. Someone let out a huge sigh among the steam-filled air.

I earnestly enjoyed the hot water bath, even though there were other people.

I slowly opened my mouth.

“Thank you, both of you.”
“For what?”
“Nah, umm.”

For these two, it was natural to hang out with friends, so showing my gratitude for something like this might be weird...but, I really wanted to say it.

“It’s just, today was very fun, and so…”

I let my body sink into the water, and then in a single statement, I said it. The words felt like something from a dream.

“...it would be great, if we could stay like this, being friends and having fun together.”

That's what I said.

I couldn’t bring myself to look at their faces.

Ugh...th-that was really embarrassing… But I couldn’t take back the words that had already left my mouth. I also couldn’t erase them…

The one who replied first was Mai.

“Aah, of course. We will always be together. We will also be buried together in the same grave.”
“Nah, that is plain scary!”

It would be great if she stopped settling someone else's life plan with a single sentence. I wondered if she thought about that kind of stuff on a daily basis? If that was the case, yeah, that would be scary!

On my other side, Ajisai-san was...

“Umm, sorry. It seems that I’ve been in here for too long and I’m getting dizzy. I’m going out first.”
“Ah, yeah.”

After she said that, Ajisai-san left the bath.

Eh, had she found my words too embarrassing…? But her reaction would have been slightly different if that was the reason. Eh, was she tired of me?

Honestly I really wanted to make sure, so I glanced at Mai. Mai only shrugged her shoulders.

“Ajisai also needs some time to think about her problems, I guess.”
“Eh, what problems? Did something happen between you two?”
“Yeah, something did.”
“Over what?!”
“That’s a secret.”

Mai placed a finger on top of her lips and then smiled. Grrr.

I was totally curious about what had happened, but if the other person was Ajisai-san, I couldn’t force her to tell me…!

Annoyance built up inside my heart. Mai took my hand and held it.

Right now, Mai had her hair tied up, so she was in her friend mode.

“Wh-what is it?”
“But, your hand…”

Nah, I wanted to hear an explanation though…

“I really am in love with you, Renako.”
“Heyaa?! Wh-why so sudden?!”

I really wished she would stop doing surprise attacks like that. They were terrible for my heart. Since we were in a bath together, my heartrate was already high, so if she did something like that…

“I-I know,” I said.

“Even so, there are some things that won't be properly conveyed if I don’t say it out loud many times. Especially when it comes to you.”
“What do you mean by that…?
“You always assume that ‘No one would have feelings for someone like me’ after all.”
“W-well, that’s…”

That was the truth, though?

“Good grief.”

Ah, she sighed! A frustrated sigh!

“I—on the contrary, Mai, you’re always being too aggressive...you do things like suddenly indulging yourself with my body, and you’ve even pushed me down out of nowhere…”

Just like a large doggie that threw itself at the food in front of it.

“Since I don’t really have anything else I long for.”

For a moment, those words sounded empty. I didn’t know to whom those words were intended for.


I was confused. Right next to me, Mai flashed me her usual smile like it was nothing.

“Even though I look like this, it doesn't mean that I direct these desires to anyone. It’s reserved for someone I love wholeheartedly, only for a single person.”

It was so embarrassing that I could feel the blood rushing to my face, but since we were in the bath I was sure I could fool her.

Even Mai’s pale skin was painted in red, which made her appear more erotic than usual. I could even see the water droplets on her nape. I felt like I just saw something I shouldn’t, so I hurriedly averted my gaze.

“...thank you.”
“Yup, and so, let’s get married, Renako. Mama found out about the Romance Activity Party last time, and since then, she’s really put a lot of pressure on me. If I introduced a proper fiancée to her, it would give her peace of mind.”
“We’re not doing that, though?! You just reap what you sow. Everything!”
“Huh. You really are a tough one. Why don’t you become the person to make my dream come true this time?”
“I, I, I have never thought about things so far in the future like that. Impossible!”

Even though I retorted with a loud voice, Mai just acted like her usual and brushed me off with a laugh.

What if I kept our relationship like this without coming up with an answer? An ambiguous relationship where we just enjoyed each other's presence, keeping it afloat just like the bobbing jellyfish in the sea… Yeah, no. I couldn’t bother her with my own convenience and take advantage of her.

But just a bit, a little bit longer.

I really felt that I wanted to stay with her like this. Not as friends, not as lovers, but just simply us, Rema friends.

I returned to the room I shared with Ajisai-san, and Mai went back to the room she shared with Hanatori-san.

“Good night, Rena-chan.”
“Ah, yup, good night.”

After I finished the bath, unlike last night, Ajisai-san went straight to sleep. I see. She must be pretty tired.

I also closed my eyes, and the exhaustion caught me immediately.

Haah, this felt great...it was like my body was fusing with the futon…

Our trip was officially at an end, since tomorrow we would go home. At first, I had been really anxious about this trip, from the moment Ajisai-san said that she was running away, but...yeah, it had been fun.

Mom, Dad, I really had a blast during my summer break this year.


It was the next morning, and the sun hadn’t properly risen yet. 

I woke up because I needed to use the bathroom. That was when I heard the sound of the door opening from the next room. I was still in my pajamas and super groggy, my eyes not yet able to see clearly. I slowly opened the door to not wake Ajisai-san up.

That was when I saw Mai standing before me.

“Oh, Renako? Good morning. You’re up early.”

Mai had her hair down and was already dressed. She also pulled a small suitcase in her hand. It was like she was ready to go somewhere judging by her appearance.

“Morning… eh, what? Where are you going?”
“I thought it would be better if I returned to Tokyo early.”
“Because of work?”
“Well, yeah. Honestly, I really wanted to take it easy and spend time with you two until the check-out time though.”

I see, she had it rough. She really only had a single day off, eh.

Because I had just woken up and my brain wasn’t functioning properly yet, I just nodded.

“Do your best, Mai.”
“I’m going now.”

Mai caressed my head, patting it. It felt ticklish so I closed my eyes.

“What is this, we’re totally looking like a married couple this early in the morning. Thank you for sending me off, darling.”
“We’re not.”

After that, she brought her face closer.

In one swift movement, she gently placed her lips on mine.


I hurriedly pulled away. It had been a while so I was taken off guard.

“Thank you for the kiss. It charged me well.”
“Geez, you really are—”

I swatted her upper arm, and then saw Hanatori-san standing behind Mai. She had a sour look on her face.


Sh-she saw us! She really saw everything!

“Since I received this kiss from you, I now feel twice as energized as usual.”
“D-don’t get full of yourself!”

Push push. I forcefully pushed her shoulders.

It was like she enjoyed me pushing her body. After that, she waved and left.

Haa, haa… I really couldn’t let down my guard around her…

Uuh, to think that someone saw us kissing openly like that...my body felt hot, like magma was erupting from inside my body…! Guuu.

No, you got it wrong, it wasn’t like we kissed. Of course this sort of excuse wouldn't work… No, well, we did kiss...no, I was the one who had been kissed…

Wait, did I just treat her kiss as casual as “blowing in my ear” or “poking my side” now...?

I traced my lips with one finger.

But, well, it had been a while since our last kiss...it tasted sweet and soft. She sure smelled good…

Aah, geez. Let’s just go back to my room and sleep again!

When I returned to the bedroom, Ajisai-san was sitting on her futon.


Ba-thump ba-thump ba-thump...sh-she hadn’t seen that, right…?

Like a doll, Ajisai-san had a blank look on her face. She tilted her head.

“Rena-chan, were you talking with someone?”


“Ah, no, uhh...Mai was, she went back just now to Tokyo since she had to work in the morning. She sure has it rough, eh?”
“Is that so.”
“Y-yup. That’s why let’s just go back to sleep now. We still have time.”

Once again, Ajisai-san plopped her body onto the futon. Ho

It seemed like Ajisai-san was bad at waking up. Let’s note that down. Huh? Note what?

I relaxed my body and stifled a yawn. I also dived back into the futon. 

Huh? Wait, I went straight to the futon even though right now Ajisai-san was sleeping next to me defenselessly? It looked like I had already gotten used to this situation after three days and two nights…

No, wait. Ajisai-san, sleeping defenselessly, next to me?! Of course I would get nervous!

I woke up from my second slumber, packed up my luggage, and then the two of us left the inn. (Of course we had properly split the bills between us. Thank you, Ajisai-san!)

The granny had really treated us well until our last day. When we departed, she told us to come again.

Well, in truth, something like this had really happened, right? A destined encounter during a trip.

And all of that happened thanks to Ajisai-san, since she was together with me.

“I see.”

We sat side by side on a bench at the station, waiting for our train.

That was when I came to a sudden realization.

That this trip had been really fun since I went together with Ajisai-san. Well, that was a given, but...that wasn’t what I mean. 

Seeing the same scenery as Ajisai-san was like seeing something through an Ajisai-san filter, so much that the world I saw appeared more gentle than usual. I was sure that was the reason.

As long as I existed within that world of hers, I had a hunch that I could live my life optimistically.

“Nah, it’s just, I’m glad that I have you together with me.”
“Really? That’s great then. I also feel the same, since I’m glad I was able to be together with you. Of course, Mai-chan too.”

With this, my mission had been safely completed.

Once the summer break ends, Ajisai-san would go to school, we would talk like usual, and she wouldn’t become a ganguro gyaru, which also meant she wouldn’t drop out from school. Hehehe, I sure did a great job.

I looked up at the blue sky with large clouds floating about.

Ah, that was right. I hadn’t opened the last file Satsuki-san gave me.

Since Mai had joined us yesterday, I hadn't needed to rely on those files. Alright, this was the right time. Our trip hadn't come to an end yet anyway, so let’s use this last one.

I remembered how I had been desperately searching for conversation topics. It felt so long ago now. Fufu, I’ve really matured…

Well, the third topic was a bit vexing, but I had my expectations ready for the last topic…

Let’s see.

[Your words of gratitude toward Sena.]

I see...from the bottom of my heart, I nodded and agreed with this.

Satsuki-san was really someone who acted pompous and showed off, but then she would always do things like this in the end…

Rather than a conversation topic, this was something that resembled an order more, but that was why I could honestly express my feelings to Ajisai-san.

“Umm, you see, Ajisai-san.”
“Umm...thank you, for always talking to me in school.”
“What is tha~t?”

Ajisai-san laughed.

“No, well, I get quite shy when it comes to people, so it really helps me when you are willing to get along with me. Thanks to that I also joined Mai’s group.”
“But Rena-chan was the first person who talked to Mai-chan right?”
“That was, well...I really did my best …”

Back then, I had just closed my eyes and then naturally left everything to run like a machine, that kind of thing…

My smooth sail through high school life wouldn’t have become a reality if Ajisai-san hadn’t been with me. She was the one who had made it come true. For Ajisai-san, my words might have sounded like a joke, but I was being serious.

This was the peak moment of my life. I had already said this numerous times now and might say it again in the future, but Ajisai-san was the one who had freed me from my fear of turning down others’ invitation, that past trauma.

“That’s why, the me right now exists because of Ajisai-san’s power…”
“Fufu, you are exaggerating.”
“Still, once again, let me say it. I really am grateful to you.”

I bowed my head.

In a small voice, Ajisai-san answered, “My pleasure.”

She even properly accepted this gratitude that I had said for the sake of my own convenience. She really was a very kind person.

After a while, the overhead speakers broadcasted an announcement about an express train passing by soon.

It was just another train that would pass by, so it wasn’t the time for our train yet.

“Me too, you see.”
“I have something that I want to tell you but I keep hesitating.”

Ajisai-san didn’t say anything for a while.

“You see.”
“About Rena-chan, I―”

The express train passed before us.


I held back my hair from the gust of wind, waiting for the train to completely pass.

Once it was gone, I asked her again.

“Did you just say something?”

Ajisai-san kept looking in the opposite direction. She shook her head.

“Nope, nothing.”
“R-really? Eh, what is it? Not something important?”

Then, she directed her gaze on me, and then looked bashful.

“Just some boring stuff.”

After that, Ajisai-san never brought up this conversation again.

We boarded our train back to Tokyo.

With this, our three-day, two-night runaway trip had come to an end.


Sena Ajisai’s Story (1) - Since Continuing to Be Friends is Fine 

Ajisai was determined to leave her home that day. She carried her bag on her shoulders, and then walked to the station.

She had always thought that she wanted to change.

Both her parents were concerned with Ajisai. They felt bad that they always left the little brothers in Ajisai's care since they were always busy working.

Her parents would apologize since they made Ajisai take the responsibility for them, but Ajisai always replied with, “You don’t have to worry. This is something that I want to do”, convincing them.

Seeing Ajisai who had never behaved disobediently, her parents always labeled her as a “good girl”, continuously praising her.

In fact, she didn’t hate the time she spent taking care of her brothers.

Surely, since Ajisai was also a mere human, sometimes she felt that she was doing that out of a mere obligation, but there were also times where she thought it couldn’t be helped since her little brothers were adorable. When things didn’t go as she wanted, she couldn’t stop herself from grabbing her little brothers’ heads like watermelon, scolding them. After that, she would have a lonely night, reflecting on her daytime behaviour. 

That was why, to think that she had snapped and gotten into a fight with her brothers now...

Since she was a good girl, she just needed to apologize and everything would be back to how it used to be.

That was how it was supposed to work inside the Sena household. That was how she was supposed to act to keep the harmony in her family, since it wasn’t like she was forced to do it. This was the path she had chosen for herself, remaining a good girl, aligning with the role for her own sake.

When she saw her little brothers laughing, she would also be delighted. Seeing her parents enjoy a nice break after a long day of work since Ajisai had already done everything was also rewarding for her. That was the definition of her happiness, what she believed.

And she had always believed that.

Even though she was already satisfied with how things were, at one point she thought that she wanted to take another step forward. 

Something that she had thought about just before the start of summer break, a strong impulse that had stirred up inside her chest.

In the end, her brothers weren’t the strongest trigger.

It was something more vague, the feeling of “wanting to change”. Ajisai giggled at her own thoughtlessness. It had been a very reckless plan.

It was a quiet morning while everyone was still fast asleep.

She carried her bag on her shoulder, and then secretly left her house.

Her steps towards the station felt heavy. In place of the usual cries of the cicadas, something inside her warned her to stop doing this.

She perfectly understood that she was doing something silly.

That was why she should return to her house, get rid of the little note she had left on the table, and then everything would vanish like it had never happened in the first place. Her attempt to run away from home would turn to nothing, and tomorrow she wouldn’t regret it. She would murmur, “I’m glad I didn't do that,” convincing herself.

Let’s go to the station, and then go home after.

For her, the very example of a “good girl”, of course she couldn't manage to bring herself to board the train.

When she arrived and lifted her head, she saw someone who shouldn’t be there. She was really startled.

In front of the station was her friend.

Someone that Ajisai had troubled only yesterday was standing there waving her hand like it was nothing.

She told Ajisai that she would accompany her.

(This must be a lie. Something like this couldn’t be happening.)

Ajisai was sure that she wouldn’t understand how the girl’s actions were making her heart stronger, and how much it filled her with delight.

(Right now, I’m not a “good girl”, but why does sheㅡ)

With a laugh, Renako said, “Let’s go together.”

Ajisai understood that she should turn her down. She couldn’t involve her in her problem.

But on the other hand, Ajisai couldn’t help but feel joy in her heart.

She was sure that she could go anywhere as long as they were together.

It was like Ajisai grew a pair of wings.

Renako’s smile was―for her, it looked like the smile of an angel who had come to guide her.

Ajisai pulled her into an embrace, overcome with emotions. Renako’s body felt hot, and it also felt dear.

“Thank you, Rena-chan.”

Ajisai shut her eyes tightly before her tears could trickle down.

She was completely aware that she was a girl, and Renako was also a girl, which was why something like this must be weird. But...

(Aah, so I, towards Rena-chan―)

Since the beginning, I had already understood these feelings which stirred inside my heart. 

It was love.


Translator's Note:
.........................am I the only one who likes Ajisai so much but still rooting SatsuRena for the endgame......please let me know if you're exist, comrade........................

Anyway the next chapter also would get delayed for a bit, thank you for your understanding.

For more detailed info about the novel, click here

TL and everything else: Meatbun
Proofread: Lyra

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